Edit file File name : cli-info.feature Content :Feature: Review CLI information Background: When I run `wp package path` Then save STDOUT as {PACKAGE_PATH} Scenario: Get the path to the packages directory Given an empty directory And a non-existent {PACKAGE_PATH} directory When I run `wp cli info --format=json` Then STDOUT should be JSON containing: """ {"wp_cli_packages_dir_path":null} """ # Allow for composer/ca-bundle using `openssl_x509_parse()` which throws PHP warnings on old versions of PHP. When I try `wp package install danielbachhuber/wp-cli-reset-post-date-command` And I run `wp cli info --format=json` Then STDOUT should be JSON containing: """ {"wp_cli_packages_dir_path":"{PACKAGE_PATH}"} """ When I run `wp cli info` Then STDOUT should contain: """ WP-CLI packages dir: """ Scenario: Packages directory path should be slashed correctly When I run `WP_CLI_PACKAGES_DIR=/foo wp package path` Then STDOUT should be: """ /foo/ """ When I run `WP_CLI_PACKAGES_DIR=/foo/ wp package path` Then STDOUT should be: """ /foo/ """ When I run `WP_CLI_PACKAGES_DIR=/foo\\ wp package path` Then STDOUT should be: """ /foo/ """ Save