View file File name : get_root_domain Content :#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; use Domain::PublicSuffix; my $domain_name = shift(@ARGV); usage('Requires a domain name to continue.') unless ( $domain_name ); my $suffix = Domain::PublicSuffix->new(); printf( "%12s: %s\n", 'Domain', $domain_name ); my $root_domain = $suffix->get_root_domain($domain_name); if ( $suffix->error ) { printf( "%12s: %s\n", 'Error', $suffix->error ); } printf( "%12s: %s\n", 'Root Domain', $root_domain ) if ($root_domain); printf( "%12s: %s\n", 'Suffix', $suffix->suffix ) if ($suffix->suffix); printf( "%12s: %s\n", 'TLD', $suffix->tld ) if ($suffix->tld); sub usage { my ( $error ) = @_; print "get_root_domain - Domain::PublicSuffix " . ($Domain::PublicSuffix::VERSION or 'dev') . "\n"; print "Usage: get_root_domain <domainname>\n"; exit(1); } 1; __END__ =head1 NAME get_root_domain - Retrieve suffix info from a domain using Domain::PublicSuffix =head1 DESCRIPTION The get_root_domain utility uses Domain::PublicSuffix to get the root or suffix for a fully qualified domain name. Given a FQDN, this utility will output the "root domain", and the suffix and TLD used to calculate that root domain. =over =item * Public Info Site: L<> =back =head1 SYNOPSIS get_root_domain <domainname> =head1 EXAMPLE USAGE =over $ get_root_domain Domain: Root Domain: Suffix: com TLD: com $ get_root_domain Domain: Root Domain: Suffix: TLD: uk =back =head1 RETURN VALUES Returns 0 if a successful lookup is done, non-zero otherwise. =head1 SEE ALSO Domain::PublicSuffix(3pm) =head1 BUGS Please report any bugs or feature requests to C<bug-domain-publicsuffix at>, or through the web interface at L<>. I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes. =head1 LICENSE This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. =cut