View file File name : netscaler.conf Content :# Fail2ban Citrix Netscaler Action # by Juliano Jeziorny # # # The script will add offender IPs to a dataset on netscaler, the dataset can then be used to block the IPs at a cs/vserver or global level # This dataset is then used to block IPs using responder policies on the netscaler. # # The script assumes using HTTPS with unsecure certificate to access the netscaler, # if you have a valid certificate installed remove the -k from the curl lines, or if you want http change it accordingly (and remove the -k) # # This action depends on curl # # You need to populate the 3 options inside Init # # ns_host: IP or hostname of netslcaer appliance # ns_auth: username:password, suggest base64 encoded for a little added security (echo -n "username:password" | base64) # ns_dataset: Name of the netscaler dataset holding the IPs to be blocked. # # For further details on how to use it please check [Init] ns_host = ns_auth = ns_dataset = [Definition] actionstart = curl -kH 'Authorization: Basic <ns_auth>' https://<ns_host>/nitro/v1/config actioncheck = actionban = curl -k -H 'Authorization: Basic <ns_auth>' -X PUT -d '{"policydataset_value_binding":{"name":"<ns_dataset>","value":"<ip>"}}' https://<ns_host>/nitro/v1/config/ actionunban = curl -H 'Authorization: Basic <ns_auth>' -X DELETE -k "https://<ns_host>/nitro/v1/config/policydataset_value_binding/<ns_dataset>?args=value:<ip>"