View file File name : __init__.pyc Content :� �bc @ sj d Z d d l m Z d d l m Z m Z d d l m Z m Z m Z m Z m Z e � d � Z e � d � Z d g Z d Z e r� d d l Z n d d l Z d d l Z e j j r� d e j k r� e j d j d � Z n [ d Z e j d d k r/e j j e � r/e j j e � j d � Z n g d � Z e j d d k rZd � Z n d � Z [ d S( s� Simple API for XML (SAX) implementation for Python. This module provides an implementation of the SAX 2 interface; information about the Java version of the interface can be found at The Python version of the interface is documented at <...>. This package contains the following modules: handler -- Base classes and constants which define the SAX 2 API for the 'client-side' of SAX for Python. saxutils -- Implementation of the convenience classes commonly used to work with SAX. xmlreader -- Base classes and constants which define the SAX 2 API for the parsers used with SAX for Python. expatreader -- Driver that allows use of the Expat parser with SAX. i����( t InputSource( t ContentHandlert ErrorHandler( t SAXExceptiont SAXNotRecognizedExceptiont SAXParseExceptiont SAXNotSupportedExceptiont SAXReaderNotAvailablec C s4 t � } | j | � | j | � | j | � d S( N( t make_parsert setContentHandlert setErrorHandlert parse( t sourcet handlert errorHandlert parser( ( s&