View file File name : grep-excuses Content :#!/usr/bin/perl # vim: set ai shiftwidth=4 tabstop=4 expandtab: # Grep debian testing excuses file. # # Copyright 2002 Joey Hess <> # Small mods Copyright 2002 Julian Gilbey <> # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see <>. use 5.006; use strict; use warnings; use Data::Dumper; use File::Basename; use File::HomeDir; sub require_friendly ($) { my ($mod) = @_; return if eval "require $mod;"; my $pkg = lc $mod; $pkg =~ s/::/-/g; $pkg = "lib$pkg-perl"; die <<END; $@ grep-excuses: We need $mod. Try installing $pkg. END } # Needed for --wipnity option open DEBUG, ">/dev/null" or die $!; my $do_autoremovals = 1; my $do_autopkgtests; my $term_size_broken; sub have_term_size { return ($term_size_broken ? 0 : 1) if defined $term_size_broken; pop @INC if $INC[-1] eq '.'; # Load the Term::Size module safely eval { require Term::Size; }; if ($@) { if ($@ =~ /^Can\'t locate Term\/Size\.pm/) { $term_size_broken = "the libterm-size-perl package is not installed"; } else { $term_size_broken = "couldn't load Term::Size: $@"; } } else { $term_size_broken = 0; } return ($term_size_broken ? 0 : 1); } my $progname = basename($0); my $modified_conf_msg; my $url = ''; my $rmurl = ''; my $rmurl_yaml = ''; # No longer use these - see bug#309802 my $cachedir = File::HomeDir->my_home . "/.devscripts_cache/"; my $cachefile = $cachedir . basename($url); unlink $cachefile if -f $cachefile; sub usage { print <<"EOF"; Usage: $progname [options] [<maintainer>|<package>] Grep the Debian update_excuses file to find out about the packages of <maintainer> or <package>. If neither are given, use the configuration file setting or the environment variable DEBFULLNAME to determine the maintainer name. Options: --no-conf, --noconf Don\'t read devscripts config files; must be the first option given --wipnity, -w Check <>. A package name must be given when using this option. --autopkgtests Investigate and show autopkgtest ( failures --no-autoremovals Do not investigate and report autoremovals --help Show this help --version Give version information --debug Print debugging output to stderr Default settings modified by devscripts configuration files: $modified_conf_msg EOF } my $version = <<"EOF"; This is $progname, from the Debian devscripts package, version 2.20.2ubuntu2 This code is copyright 2002 by Joey Hess <joeyh\>, and modifications are copyright 2002 by Julian Gilbey <jdg\> This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. You are free to redistribute this code under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2 or later. EOF sub wipnity { die "$progname: Couldn't run wipnity: $term_size_broken\n" unless have_term_size(); my $columns = Term::Size::chars(); if (system("command -v w3m >/dev/null 2>&1") != 0) { die "$progname: wipnity mode requires the w3m package to be installed\n"; } while (my $package = shift) { my $dump = `w3m -dump -cols $columns "$package"`; $dump =~ s/.*(Excuse for .*)\s+Maintainer page.*/$1/ms; $dump =~ s/.*(No excuse for .*)\s+Maintainer page.*/$1/ms; print($dump); } } # Now start by reading configuration files and then command line # The next stuff is boilerplate my $string; if (@ARGV and $ARGV[0] =~ /^--no-?conf$/) { $modified_conf_msg = " (no configuration files read)"; shift; } else { my @config_files = ('/etc/devscripts.conf', '~/.devscripts'); my %config_vars = ( 'GREP_EXCUSES_MAINTAINER' => '', 'GREP_EXCUSES_AUTOPKGTESTS' => 0, ); my %config_default = %config_vars; my $shell_cmd; # Set defaults foreach my $var (keys %config_vars) { $shell_cmd .= "$var='$config_vars{$var}';\n"; } $shell_cmd .= 'for file in ' . join(" ", @config_files) . "; do\n"; $shell_cmd .= '[ -f $file ] && . $file; done;' . "\n"; # Read back values foreach my $var (keys %config_vars) { $shell_cmd .= "echo \$$var;\n" } my $shell_out = `/bin/bash -c '$shell_cmd'`; @config_vars{ keys %config_vars } = split /\n/, $shell_out, -1; foreach my $var (sort keys %config_vars) { if ($config_vars{$var} ne $config_default{$var}) { $modified_conf_msg .= " $var=$config_vars{$var}\n"; } } $modified_conf_msg ||= " (none)\n"; chomp $modified_conf_msg; $string = $config_vars{'GREP_EXCUSES_MAINTAINER'}; $do_autopkgtests = $config_vars{'GREP_EXCUSES_AUTOPKGTESTS'}; } while (@ARGV and $ARGV[0] =~ /^-/) { if ($ARGV[0] eq '--wipnity' or $ARGV[0] eq '-w') { if (@ARGV) { shift; $string = shift; } if (!$string or $string eq '') { die "$progname: no package specified!\nTry $progname --help for help.\n"; } if (@ARGV) { die "$progname: too many arguments! Try $progname --help for help.\n"; } else { wipnity($string); exit 0; } } if ($ARGV[0] eq '--debug') { open DEBUG, ">&STDERR" or die $!; shift; next; } if ($ARGV[0] eq '--no-autoremovals') { $do_autoremovals = 0; shift; next; } if ($ARGV[0] eq '--autopkgtests') { $do_autopkgtests = 1; shift; next; } if ($ARGV[0] eq '--no-autopkgtests') { $do_autopkgtests = 0; shift; next; } if ($ARGV[0] eq '--help') { usage(); exit 0; } if ($ARGV[0] eq '--version') { print $version; exit 0; } if ($ARGV[0] =~ /^--no-?conf$/) { die "$progname: $ARGV[0] is only acceptable as the first command-line option!\n"; } die "$progname: unrecognised option $ARGV[0]; try $progname --help for help\n"; } if (!$string and exists $ENV{'DEBFULLNAME'}) { $string = $ENV{'DEBFULLNAME'}; } if (@ARGV) { $string = shift; } if ($string eq '') { die "$progname: no maintainer or package specified!\nTry $progname --help for help.\n"; } if (@ARGV) { die "$progname: too many arguments! Try $progname --help for help.\n"; } if (system("command -v wget >/dev/null 2>&1") != 0) { die "$progname: this program requires the wget package to be installed\n"; } sub grep_autoremovals () { print DEBUG "Fetching $rmurl\n"; unless (open REMOVALS, "wget -q -O - $rmurl |") { warn "$progname: wget $rmurl failed: $!\n"; return; } my $wantmaint = 0; my %reportpkgs; while (<REMOVALS>) { if (m%^https?:%) { next; } if (m%^\S%) { $wantmaint = m%^\Q$string\E\b%; next; } if (m%^$%) { $wantmaint = undef; next; } if (defined $wantmaint && m%^\s+([0-9a-z][-.+0-9a-z]*):\s*(.*)%) { next unless $wantmaint || $1 eq $string; warn "$progname: package $1 repeated in $rmurl at line $.:\n$_" if defined $reportpkgs{$1}; $reportpkgs{$1} = $2; next; } warn "$progname: unprocessed line $. in $rmurl:\n$_"; } $? = 0; unless (close REMOVALS) { my $rc = $? >> 8; warn "$progname: fetch $rmurl failed ($rc $!)\n"; } return unless %reportpkgs; print DEBUG "Fetching $rmurl_yaml\n"; unless (open REMOVALS, "wget -q -O - $rmurl_yaml |") { warn "$progname: wget $rmurl_yaml failed: $!\n"; return; } my $reporting = 0; while (<REMOVALS>) { if (m%^([0-9a-z][-.+0-9a-z]*):$%) { my $pkg = $1; my $human = $reportpkgs{$pkg}; delete $reportpkgs{$pkg}; $reporting = !!defined $human; if ($reporting) { print "$pkg (AUTOREMOVAL)\n $human\n" or die $!; } next; } if (m%^[ \t]%) { if ($reporting) { print " ", $_ or die $!; } next; } if (m%^$% || m%^\#% || m{^---$}) { next; } warn "$progname: unprocessed line $. in $rmurl_yaml:\n$_"; } $? = 0; unless (close REMOVALS) { my $rc = $? >> 8; warn "$progname: fetch $rmurl_yaml failed ($rc $!)\n"; } foreach my $pkg (keys %reportpkgs) { print "$pkg (AUTOREMOVAL)\n $reportpkgs{$pkg}\n" or die $!; } } grep_autoremovals() if $do_autoremovals; require_friendly qw(YAML::Syck); { no warnings 'once'; $YAML::Syck::LoadBlessed = 0; } print DEBUG "Fetching $url\n"; my $yaml = `wget -q -O - '$url'`; if ($? == -1) { die "$progname: unable to run wget: $!\n"; } elsif ($? >> 8) { die "$progname: wget exited $?\n"; } sub migration_headline ($) { my ($source) = @_; sprintf("%s (%s to %s)", $source->{'item-name'}, $source->{'old-version'}, $source->{'new-version'}); } sub print_migration_excuse_info ($;$) { my ($source, $summary) = @_; if (exists $source->{maintainer}) { printf(" Maintainer: $source->{maintainer}\n"); } if (exists $source->{dependencies}) { for my $blocker (@{ $source->{dependencies}{'blocked-by'} }) { printf(" Depends: %s %s (not considered)\n", $source->{'item-name'}, $blocker); } for my $after (@{ $source->{dependencies}{'migrate-after'} }) { printf(" Depends: %s %s\n", $source->{'item-name'}, $after); } } for my $excuse (@{ $source->{excuses} }) { next if $summary and $excuse =~ m/^autopkgtest /; $excuse =~ s@</?[^>]+>@@g; $excuse =~ s@<@<@g; $excuse =~ s@>@>@g; print " $excuse\n"; } } my $excuses = YAML::Syck::Load($yaml); for my $source (@{ $excuses->{sources} }) { if ( $source->{'item-name'} eq $string || (exists $source->{maintainer} && $source->{maintainer} =~ m/\b\Q$string\E\b/) ) { print migration_headline($source), "\n"; print_migration_excuse_info($source); } } if ($do_autopkgtests) { flush STDOUT or die $!; require_friendly qw(DBI); require_friendly qw(DBD::Pg); my $dbh = DBI->connect('DBI:Pg:dbname=udd;', 'udd-mirror', 'udd-mirror', { RaiseError => 1 }); # my $regexp = $string; $regexp =~ s{[^0-9a-z]}{\\$&}ig; $regexp = "\\y$regexp\\y"; my $pkgs = $dbh->selectall_arrayref( 'select distinct source from sources where' . ' maintainer_name ~ ? or' . ' maintainer_email ~ ?', {}, $regexp, $regexp ); my %wantpkgs; $wantpkgs{ $_->[0] }++ foreach @$pkgs; for my $source (@{ $excuses->{sources} }) { my $autopkgtests = $source->{'policy_info'}{'autopkgtest'}; foreach my $k (sort keys %$autopkgtests) { $k =~ m{/} or next; my ($testpkg, $testvsn) = ($`, $'); $wantpkgs{$testpkg} or next; my $arches = $autopkgtests->{$k}; foreach my $arch (sort keys %$arches) { my $info = $arches->{$arch}; next if $info->[0] eq 'PASS'; printf "\nautopkgtest regression\n"; printf " in %s (%s) on %s\n", $testpkg, $testvsn, $arch; printf " due to %s\n", migration_headline($source); print "test info\n"; print " $_\n" foreach @$info; print "migration excuses for $source->{'item-name'}\n"; print_migration_excuse_info($source, 1); } } } } exit 0;