View file File name : Content :% Copyright (C) 2012-2017,2018 John E. Davis % % This file is part of the S-Lang Library and may be distributed under the % terms of the GNU General Public License. See the file COPYING for % more information. %--------------------------------------------------------------------------- private define needs_globbing (path) { return (path != str_delete_chars (path, "*?[")); } private define do_the_glob (dir, pat) { variable files; if (dir == "") files = listdir ("."); else files = listdir (dir); if (files == NULL) return String_Type[0]; files = [files, ".", ".."]; if ((pat[0] == '?') || (pat[0] == '*')) { files = files [where (strncmp (files, ".", 1))]; } if (length (files) == 0) return files; pat = glob_to_regexp (pat); variable i = where (array_map (Int_Type, &string_match, files, pat, 1)); if (length (i) == 0) return String_Type[0]; files = files[i]; if (dir == "") return files; return array_map (String_Type, &path_concat, dir, files); } private define is_dir (dirs) { variable n = length(dirs); variable ok = Char_Type[n]; _for (0, n-1, 1) { variable i = (); variable st = stat_file (dirs[i]); if (st == NULL) continue; ok[i] = stat_is ("dir", st.st_mode); } return ok; } define glob (); % recursion define glob () { variable patterns = __pop_args (_NARGS); if (length (patterns) == 0) throw UsageError, "files = glob (patterns...)"; patterns = [__push_args (patterns)]; variable list = String_Type[0]; foreach (patterns) { variable pat = (); !if (needs_globbing (pat)) { if (NULL != stat_file (pat)) list = [list, pat]; continue; } variable base = path_basename (pat); variable dir = ""; if (base != pat) dir = path_dirname (pat); if (needs_globbing (dir)) { variable dirs = glob (dir); !if (strlen (base)) { list = [list, dirs[where(is_dir (dirs))]]; continue; } foreach dir (glob (dir)) list = [list, do_the_glob (dir, base)]; continue; } list = [list, do_the_glob (dir, base)]; } return list; } #ifntrue define slsh_main () { variable files = glob (__argv[[1:]]); foreach (files) { variable f = (); fprintf (stdout, "%s\n", f); } } #endif $1 = path_concat (path_dirname (__FILE__), "help/glob.hlp"); if (NULL != stat_file ($1)) add_doc_file ($1); provide ("glob");