View file File name : flickr_make_test_values Content :#!/usr/bin/perl #------------------------------- # #_______________________________ use warnings; use strict; use Term::ReadLine; use Pod::Usage; use Getopt::Long; my $values = {}; my $cli_args = {}; my %defaults = ( 'search_email' => '', 'search_username' => '', ); my %prompts = ( 'search_email' => 'An email to search for', 'search_username' => 'A user id to search for', ); my $invalues = \%defaults; GetOptions ( $cli_args, 'values_in=s', 'values_out=s', 'help', 'man', 'usage' ); #------------------------------------------------------------- # Respond to help-type arguments or if missing required params #_____________________________________________________________ if ($cli_args->{'help'} or $cli_args->{'usage'} or $cli_args->{'man'} or !$cli_args->{'values_out'}) { pod2usage({ -verbose => 2 }); } #------------------------------------------------------------------ # If an incoming values is specified and exists, read it if we can. # if any of the keys are defined (that is, a value we will use) # overwrite the default. #__________________________________________________________________ if (defined($cli_args->{'values_in'}) and -e $cli_args->{'values_in'}) { my $key; my $value; open my $VALUES_IN, '<', $cli_args->{'values_in'} or die "\nCannot open $cli_args->{'values_in'} for read: $!\n"; while (<$VALUES_IN>) { s/\s+//g; ($key,$value) = split(/=/); if (defined($invalues->{$key})) { $invalues->{$key}=$value; } } close($VALUES_IN) or die "\nClose error $!\n"; } #--------------------------------- # Create a term incase we need it. #_________________________________ my $term = Term::ReadLine->new('Flickr Value Collector'); $term->ornaments(0); my $which_rl = $term->ReadLine; if ($which_rl eq "Term::ReadLine::Perl" or $which_rl eq "Term::ReadLine::Perl5") { warn "\n\nTerm::ReadLine::Perl and Term::ReadLine::Perl5 may display prompts" . "\nincorrectly. If this is the case for you, try adding \"PERL_RL=Stub\"" . "\nto the environment variables passed in with make test\n\n"; } #-------------------------------------------------------------------- # build or confirm values #____________________________________________________________________ foreach my $key (sort keys %defaults) { my $value = $term->readline( $prompts{$key} ." [ ". $invalues->{$key}."]: "); if (!$value) { $values->{$key} = $invalues->{$key}; } else { $values->{$key} = $value; } } #------------------------------- # Display values and store same. #_______________________________ open my $VALUES_OUT, '>', $cli_args->{'values_out'} or die "\nCannot open $cli_args->{'values_out'} for write: $!\n"; foreach my $key (sort keys %defaults) { print $key," = ",$values->{$key},"\n"; print $VALUES_OUT $key," = ",$values->{$key},"\n"; } close($VALUES_OUT) or die "\nClose error $!\n"; exit; __END__ =pod =head1 NAME flickr_make_test_values - script to assist with testing the Flickr::API =head1 SYNOPSIS flickr_make_test_values --values_out=file_to_build [--values_in=existing_file] =head1 OPTIONS =head2 Required: =over 5 =item B<--values_out> points to where to create the stored Flickr values file =back =head2 Optional: =over 5 =item B<--values_in> points to the optional input values file to use as a base for the I<--values_out> file you are creating. =item B<--help> as expected =item B<--usage> =item B<--man> =back =head1 DESCRIPTION This script is a lightweight method to assemble key/value pairs for testing the Flickr::API. It is used to build a file for the B<make test> portion of installation. It does not I<use Flickr::API;> and sticks to modules from perl core so that it can be used prior to-- and perhaps in conjunction with-- installation and testing of the Flickr::API module. When you B<make test>, add the environment variable MAKETEST_VALUES, pointing to the key/values file you specified. The command should look something like: make test MAKETEST_VALUES=/home/myusername/test-flickr-values.txt or make test MAKETEST_VALUES=/home/myusername/test-flickr-values.txt \ MAKETEST_OAUTH_CFG=/home/myusername/ =head1 LICENSE AND COPYRIGHT Copyright (c) 2015, Louis B. Moore C<< <> >>. This program is released under the Artistic License 2.0 by The Perl Foundation. =head1 SEE ALSO The README in the Flickr::API distribution.