View file File name : functions Content :functions [ {+|-}UkmtTuWz ] [ -x num ] [ name ... ] functions -c oldfn newfn functions -M [-s] mathfn [ min [ max [ shellfn ] ] ] functions -M [ -m pattern ... ] functions +M [ -m ] mathfn ... Equivalent to typeset -f, with the exception of the -c, -x, -M and -W options. For functions -u and functions -U, see au- toload, which provides additional options. The -x option indicates that any functions output will have each leading tab for indentation, added by the shell to show syntac- tic structure, expanded to the given number num of spaces. num can also be 0 to suppress all indentation. The -W option turns on the option WARN_NESTED_VAR for the named function or functions only. The option is turned off at the start of nested functions (apart from anonoymous functions) un- less the called function also has the -W attribute. The -c option causes oldfn to be copied to newfn. The copy is efficiently handled internally by reference counting. If oldfn was marked for autoload it is first loaded and if this fails the copy fails. Either function may subsequently be redefined with- out affecting the other. A typical idiom is that oldfn is the name of a library shell function which is then redefined to call newfn, thereby installing a modified version of the function. Use of the -M option may not be combined with any of the options handled by typeset -f. functions -M mathfn defines mathfn as the name of a mathematical function recognised in all forms of arithmetical expressions; see the section `Arithmetic Evaluation' in zshmisc(1). By de- fault mathfn may take any number of comma-separated arguments. If min is given, it must have exactly min args; if min and max are both given, it must have at least min and at most max args. max may be -1 to indicate that there is no upper limit. By default the function is implemented by a shell function of the same name; if shellfn is specified it gives the name of the corresponding shell function while mathfn remains the name used in arithmetical expressions. The name of the function in $0 is mathfn (not shellfn as would usually be the case), provided the option FUNCTION_ARGZERO is in effect. The positional parameters in the shell function correspond to the arguments of the mathe- matical function call. The result of the last arithmetical ex- pression evaluated inside the shell function (even if it is a form that normally only returns a status) gives the result of the mathematical function. If the additional option -s is given to functions -M, the argu- ment to the function is a single string: anything between the opening and matching closing parenthesis is passed to the func- tion as a single argument, even if it includes commas or white space. The minimum and maximum argument specifiers must there- fore be 1 if given. An empty argument list is passed as a zero-length string. functions -M with no arguments lists all such user-defined func- tions in the same form as a definition. With the additional op- tion -m and a list of arguments, all functions whose mathfn matches one of the pattern arguments are listed. function +M removes the list of mathematical functions; with the additional option -m the arguments are treated as patterns and all functions whose mathfn matches the pattern are removed. Note that the shell function implementing the behaviour is not removed (regardless of whether its name coincides with mathfn). For example, the following prints the cube of 3: zmath_cube() { (( $1 * $1 * $1 )) } functions -M cube 1 1 zmath_cube print $(( cube(3) )) The following string function takes a single argument, including the commas, so prints 11: stringfn() { (( $#1 )) } functions -Ms stringfn print $(( stringfn(foo,bar,rod) ))