Edit file File name : groffer Content :#! /usr/bin/perl # groffer - display groff files # Source file position: <groff-source>/contrib/groffer/groffer.pl # Installed position: <prefix>/bin/groffer # Copyright (C) 2006-2018 Free Software Foundation, Inc. # Written by Bernd Warken <groff-bernd.warken-72@web.de>. # Last update: 27 Aug 2015 # This file is part of 'groffer', which is part of 'groff'. # 'groff' is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it # under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # 'groff' is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # General Public License for more details. # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see # <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html>. ######################################################################## use strict; use warnings; #use diagnostics; # temporary dir and files use File::Temp qw/ tempfile tempdir /; # needed for temporary dir use File::Spec; # for 'copy' and 'move' use File::Copy; # for fileparse, dirname and basename use File::Basename; # current working directory use Cwd; # $Bin is the directory where this script is located use FindBin; ######################################################################## # system variables and exported variables ######################################################################## require 5.6.1; our $Dev_Null; our $Umask; our @Path; our $Start_Dir; our $tmpdir = ''; our ($fh_cat, $tmp_cat); our ($fh_stdin, $tmp_stdin); our @Addopts_Groff; our %Debug; our %Opt; our $Has_Compression; our $Has_bzip; our $Output_File_Name; our $Apropos_Prog; our $Filespec_Arg; our $Filespec_Is_Man; our $Macro_Pkg; our $Manspec; our $No_Filespecs; our $Special_Filespec; our $Special_Setup; our %Man; BEGIN { $Dev_Null = File::Spec->devnull(); $Umask = umask 077; $Start_Dir = getcwd; # flush after each print or write command $| = 1; } ######################################################################## # read-only variables with double-@ construct ######################################################################## our $File_split_env_sh; our $File_version_sh; our $Groff_Version; my $before_make; # script before run of 'make' { my $at = '@'; $before_make = 1 if '1.22.4' eq "${at}VERSION${at}"; } my %at_at; my $groffer_libdir; if ($before_make) { my $groffer_source_dir = $FindBin::Bin; $at_at{'BINDIR'} = $groffer_source_dir; $at_at{'G'} = ''; $at_at{'LIBDIR'} = ''; $groffer_libdir = $groffer_source_dir; $File_version_sh = File::Spec->catfile($groffer_source_dir, 'version.sh'); $Groff_Version = ''; } else { $Groff_Version = '1.22.4'; $at_at{'BINDIR'} = '/usr/bin'; $at_at{'G'} = ''; $at_at{'LIBDIR'} = '/usr/lib'; $groffer_libdir = '/usr/lib/groff/groffer'; $File_version_sh = File::Spec->catfile($groffer_libdir, 'version.sh'); } die "$groffer_libdir is not an existing directory;" unless -d $groffer_libdir; unshift(@INC, $groffer_libdir); $File_split_env_sh = File::Spec->catfile($groffer_libdir, 'split_env.sh'); die "$File_split_env_sh does not exist;" unless -f "$File_split_env_sh"; require 'subs.pl'; require 'main_subs.pl'; require 'man.pl'; @Path = &path_uniq( File::Spec->path() ); if ( &where_is_prog('gzip') ) { $Has_Compression = 1; $Has_bzip = 1 if &where_is_prog('bzip2'); } ######################################################################## # modes, viewers, man sections, and defaults ######################################################################## # configuration files our @Conf_Files = (File::Spec->catfile(File::Spec->rootdir(), 'etc', 'groff', 'groffer.conf'), File::Spec->catfile("$ENV{'HOME'}", '.groff', 'groffer.conf') ); our @Default_Modes = ('pdf', 'pdf2', 'html', 'xhtml', 'ps', 'x', 'dvi', 'tty'); our $Default_Resolution = 100; our $Default_tty_Device = 'utf8'; our @Macro_Packages = ('-man', '-mdoc', '-me', '-mm', '-mom', '-ms'); our %Viewer_tty = ('DVI' => [], 'HTML' => ['lynx', 'w3m'], 'PDF' => [], 'PS' => [], 'TTY' => ['less -r -R', 'more', 'pager'], 'X' => [], ); our %Viewer_X = ('DVI' => ['kdvi', 'xdvi', 'dvilx'], 'HTML' => ['konqueror', 'epiphany'. 'mozilla-firefox', 'firefox', 'mozilla', 'netscape', 'galeon', 'opera', 'amaya','arena', 'mosaic'], 'XHTML' => ['konqueror', 'epiphany'. 'mozilla-firefox', 'firefox', 'mozilla', 'netscape', 'galeon', 'opera', 'amaya','arena', 'mosaic'], 'PDF' => ['okular', 'kpdf', 'acroread', 'evince', 'xpdf -z 150', 'gpdf', 'xpdf', 'zathura'. 'epdfview', 'qpdfview', 'apvlv', 'qpdfview', 'kghostview --scale 1.45', 'gv', 'ggv'], 'PS' => ['okular', 'evince', 'gv', 'gs', 'gs_x11', 'ghostscript', 'ghostview', 'kghostview --scale 1.45', 'ggv', 'kpdf'], 'TTY' => ['xless'], 'X' => ['gxditview', 'xditview'], ); %Man = ('ALL' => 0, 'AUTO_SEC' => ['1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', 'n', 'o'], 'ENABLE' => 1, 'EXT' => '', 'FORCE' => 0, 'IS_SETUP' => 0, 'MANSPEC' => {}, 'LANG' => '', 'LANG2' => '', 'PATH' => [], 'SEC' => [], 'SEC_CHARS' => '', 'SYS' => [], ); $Man{'AUTO_SEC_CHARS'} = join('', @{$Man{'AUTO_SEC'}}); ######################################################################## # given options ######################################################################## our %Opts_Cmdline_Short; our %Opts_Cmdline_Long; our $Opts_Cmdline_Long_Str; our %Opts_Cmdline_Double; our %Opts_Groff_Short; &main_set_options(); ######################################################################## # $MANOPT ######################################################################## # handle environment variable $MANOPT our @Manopt; &main_parse_MANOPT(); ######################################################################## # configuration files, $GROFFER_OPT, and command line, main_config_params() ######################################################################## our @Options; our @Filespecs; our @Starting_Conf; our @Starting_ARGV = @ARGV; &main_config_params(); if (0) { print STDERR "<$_>\n" foreach @ARGV; } ######################################################################## # main_parse_params() ######################################################################## $Opt{'XRM'} = []; our $i = 0; our $n = $#Options; &main_parse_params(); ######################################################################## # main_set_mode() ######################################################################## our $Viewer_Background; our $PDF_Did_Not_Work; our $PDF_Has_gs; our $PDF_Has_ps2pdf; our %Display = ('MODE' => '', 'PROG' => '', 'ARGS' => '' ); &main_set_mode(); ######################################################################## # groffer temporary directory, main_temp() ######################################################################## &main_temp(); ######################################################################## # tmp functions and compression ######################################################################## ######################################################################## # main_do_fileargs() and related subs ######################################################################## our @REG_TITLE = (); &main_do_fileargs(); ######################################################################## # main_set_resources() ######################################################################## &main_set_resources(); ######################################################################## # set resources ######################################################################## our $groggy; our $modefile; our $addopts; &main_display(); &clean_up(); 1; ######################################################################## ### Emacs settings # Local Variables: # mode: CPerl # End: Save