View file File name : ipcalc Content :#!/usr/bin/perl -w # IPv4 Calculator # Copyright (C) Krischan Jodies 2000 - 2004 # krischan(), # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. use strict; my $version = '0.41'; my @class = qw (0 8 16 24 4 5 5); my $quads_color = "\033[34m"; # dotted quads, blue my $norml_color = "\033[m"; # normal, black #my $binry_color = "\033[1m\033[46m\033[37m"; # binary, yellow my $binry_color = "\033[33m"; # binary, yellow my $mask_color = "\033[31m"; # netmask, red my $class_color = "\033[35m"; # classbits, magenta my $subnt_color = "\033[0m\033[32m"; # subnet bits, green my $error_color = "\033[31m"; my $sfont = ""; my $break ="\n"; my $color_old = ""; my $color_actual = ""; my $opt_text = 1; my $opt_html = 0; my $opt_color = 0; my $opt_print_bits = 1; my $opt_print_only_class = 0; my $opt_split = 0; my $opt_deaggregate = 0; my $opt_version = 0; my $opt_help = 0; my @opt_split_sizes; my @arguments; my $error = ""; my $thirtytwobits = 4294967295; # for masking bitwise not on 64 bit arch main(); exit; sub main { my $address = -1; my $address2 = -1; my $network = -1; my $mask1 = -1; my $mask2 = -1; if (! defined ($ARGV[0])) { usage(); exit(); } @ARGV = getopts(); if ($opt_help) { help(); exit; } if ($opt_version) { print "$version\n"; exit; } #print "opt_html $opt_html\n"; #print "opt_color $opt_color\n"; #print "opt_print_bits $opt_print_bits\n"; #print "opt_print_only_class $opt_print_only_class\n"; #print "opt_deaggregate $opt_deaggregate\n"; if (! $opt_color) { $quads_color = ''; $norml_color = ''; $binry_color = ''; $mask_color = ''; $class_color = ''; $subnt_color = ''; $sfont = ''; } if ($opt_html) { $quads_color = '<font color="#0000ff">' ; $norml_color = '<font color="#000000">'; $binry_color = '<font color="#909090">'; $mask_color = '<font color="#ff0000">'; $class_color = '<font color="#009900">'; $subnt_color = '<font color="#663366">'; $sfont = '</font>'; $break = "<br>"; #$private = "(<a href=\"\">Private Internet</a>)"; # print "<pre>\n"; print << 'EOF'; <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"> <html> <head> <meta HTTP-EQUIV="content-type" CONTENT="text/html; charset=UTF-8"> <title>Bla</title> </head> <body> EOF print "<!-- Version $version -->\n"; } # foreach (@arguments) { # print "arguments: $_\n"; # } # foreach (@ARGV) { # print "ARGV: $_\n"; # } # get base address if (defined $ARGV[0]) { $address = argton($ARGV[0],0); } if ($address == -1) { $error .= "INVALID ADDRESS: $ARGV[0]\n"; $address = argton(""); } if ($opt_print_only_class) { print getclass($address,1); exit; } # if deaggregate get last address if ($opt_deaggregate) { if (defined $ARGV[1]) { $address2 = argton($ARGV[1],0); } if ($address2 == -1) { $error .= "INVALID ADDRESS2: $ARGV[1]\n"; $address2 = argton(""); } } if ($opt_deaggregate) { if ($error) { print "$error\n"; } print "deaggregate ".ntoa($address) . " - " . ntoa($address2)."\n"; deaggregate($address,$address2); exit; } # get netmasks if (defined $ARGV[1]) { $mask1 = argton($ARGV[1],1); } else { #get natural mask *** $mask1 = argton(24); } if ($mask1 == -1) { $error .= "INVALID MASK1: $ARGV[1]\n"; $mask1 = argton(24); } if (defined $ARGV[2]) { $mask2 = argton($ARGV[2],1); } else { $mask2 = $mask1; } if ($mask2 == -1) { $error .= "INVALID MASK2: $ARGV[2]\n"; $mask2 = argton(24); } if ($error) { if ($opt_color) { print set_color($error_color); } print "$error\n"; } # print "Address: ".ntoa($address)."\n"; # print "mask1: ($mask1) ".ntoa($mask1)."\n"; # print "mask2: ($mask2) ".ntoa($mask2)."\n"; html('<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">'); html("\n"); printline ("Address", $address ,$mask1,$mask1,1); printline ("Netmask", $mask1 ,$mask1,$mask1); printline ("Wildcard", ~$mask1 ,$mask1,$mask1); html("<tr>\n"); html('<td colspan="3"><tt>'); print "=>"; html("</tt></td>\n"); html("</tr>\n"); print "\n"; $network = $address & $mask1; printnet($network,$mask1,$mask1); html("</table>\n"); if ($opt_deaggregate) { deaggregate(); } if ($opt_split) { split_network($network,$mask1,$mask2,@opt_split_sizes); exit; } if ($mask1 < $mask2) { print "Subnets after transition from /" . ntobitcountmask($mask1); print " to /". ntobitcountmask($mask2) . "\n\n"; subnets($network,$mask1,$mask2); } if ($mask1 > $mask2) { print "Supernet\n\n"; supernet($network,$mask1,$mask2); if ($opt_html) { html("</table>\n"); } } if ($opt_html) { print << 'EOF'; <p> <a href=""><img border="0" src="" alt="Valid HTML 4.01!" height="31" width="88"></a> </p> EOF } exit; } # --------------------------------------------------------------------- sub end { if ($opt_html) { # print "\n</pre>\n"; print "<html>\n"; } exit; } sub supernet { my ($network,$mask1,$mask2) = @_; $network = $network & $mask2; printline ("Netmask", $mask2 ,$mask2,$mask1,1); printline ("Wildcard", ~$mask2 ,$mask2,$mask1); print "\n"; printnet($network,$mask2,$mask1); } sub subnets { my ($network,$mask1,$mask2) = @_; my $subnet=0; my $bitcountmask1 = ntobitcountmask($mask1); my $bitcountmask2 = ntobitcountmask($mask2); html('<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">'); html("\n"); printline ("Netmask", $mask2 ,$mask2,$mask1,1); printline ("Wildcard", ~$mask2 ,$mask2,$mask1); html("</table>\n"); print "\n"; for ($subnet=0; $subnet < (1 << ($bitcountmask2-$bitcountmask1)); $subnet++) { my $net = $network | ($subnet << (32-$bitcountmask2)); print " ". ($subnet+1) .".\n"; html('<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">'); html("\n"); printnet($net,$mask2,$mask1); html("</table>\n"); if ($subnet >= 1000) { print "... stopped at 1000 subnets ...$break"; last; } } $subnet = (1 << ($bitcountmask2-$bitcountmask1)); my $hostn = ($network | ((~$mask2) & $thirtytwobits)) - $network - 1; if ($hostn > -1) { print "\nSubnets: $quads_color$subnet"; html('</font>'); print "$norml_color$break"; html('</font>'); } if ($hostn < 1 ) { $hostn = 1; } print "Hosts: $quads_color" . ($hostn * $subnet); html('</font>'); print "$norml_color$break"; html('</font>'); } sub getclass { my $network = shift; my $numeric = shift; my $class = 1; # print "n $network bit ". (1 << (32-$class)) . " & " . while (($network & (1 << (32-$class))) == (1 << (32-$class)) ) { $class++; if ($class > 5) { return "invalid"; } } if ($numeric) { return $class[$class]; } else { return chr($class+64); } } sub printnet { my ($network,$mask1,$mask2) = @_; my $hmin; my $hmax; my $hostn; my $mask; my $broadcast = $network | ((~$mask1) & $thirtytwobits); $hmin = $network + 1; $hmax = $broadcast - 1; $hostn = $hmax - $hmin + 1; $mask = ntobitcountmask($mask1); if ($mask == 31) { $hmax = $broadcast; $hmin = $network; $hostn = 2; } if ($mask == 32) { $hostn = 1; } #if ($hmax < $hmin) { # $hmax = $hmin; # $hostn = 1; #} #private... #$p = 0; #for ($i=0; $i<3; $i++) { # if ( (&bintoint($hmax) <= $privmax[$i]) && # (&bintoint($hmin) >= $privmin[$i]) ) { # $p = $i +1; # last; # } #} #if ($p) { # $p = $private; #} else { # $p = ''; #} if ($mask == 32) { printline ("Hostroute", $network ,$mask1,$mask2,1); } else { printline ("Network", $network ,$mask1,$mask2,1); printline ("HostMin", $hmin ,$mask1,$mask2); printline ("HostMax", $hmax ,$mask1,$mask2); printline ("Broadcast", $broadcast,$mask1,$mask2) if $mask < 31; } # html("</table>\n"); # html('<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">'); # html("\n"); html("<tr>\n"); html('<td valign="top"><tt>'); #label print set_color($norml_color); print "Hosts/Net: " ; html("</font></tt></td>\n"); html('<td valign="top"><tt>'); # printf $norml_color . "Hosts/Net: </tt>$quads_color%-22s",$hostn; # html("<td><tt>"); print set_color($quads_color); printf "%-22s",$hostn; # printf "%-22s", (ntoa($address).$additional_info); html("</font></tt></td>\n"); html("<td>"); #label if ($opt_html) { #warn "HTML\n"; print wrap_html(30,get_description($network,$mask1)); } else { print get_description($network,$mask1); } html("</font></td>\n"); html("</tr>\n"); html("\n"); text("\n"); text("\n"); ##printf "Class %s, ",getclass($network); ##printf "%s",netblock($network,$mask1); # my ($label,$address,$mask1,$mask2,$classbitcolor_on,$is_netmask) = @_; # print $sfont . $norml_color; # print "$break\n"; # exit; return $hostn; } sub get_description { my $network = shift; my $mask = shift; my @description; my $field; # class if ($opt_color || $opt_html) { $field = set_color($class_color) . "Class " . getclass($network); if ($opt_html) { $field .= '</font>'; } $field .= set_color($norml_color); push @description, $field # push @description, set_color($class_color) . "Class " . # getclass($network) . set_color($norml_color); } else { push @description, "Class " . getclass($network); } # netblock my ($netblock_txt,$netblock_url) = split ",",netblock($network,$mask); if (defined $netblock_txt) { if ($opt_html) { $netblock_txt = '<a href="' . $netblock_url . '">' . $netblock_txt . '</a>'; } #warn "DESC: '$netblock_txt'"; push @description,$netblock_txt; } # /31 if (ntobitcountmask($mask) == 31) { if ($opt_html) { push @description,"<a href=\"\">PtP Link</a>"; } else { push @description,"PtP Link RFC 3021"; } } #$rfc3021 = "<a href=\"\">Point-to-Point #Link</a>"; return join ", ",@description; } sub printline { my ($label,$address,$mask1,$mask2,$html_fillup) = @_; $mask1 = ntobitcountmask($mask1); $mask2 = ntobitcountmask($mask2); my $line = ""; my $bit; my $newbitcolor_on = 0; my $toggle_newbitcolor = 0; my $bit_color; my $additional_info = ''; my $classbitcolor_on; my $second_field; if ($label eq 'Netmask') { $additional_info = " = $mask1"; } if ($label eq 'Network') { $classbitcolor_on = 1; $additional_info = "/$mask1"; } if ($label eq 'Hostroute' && $mask1 == 32) { $classbitcolor_on = 1; } html("<tr>\n"); html("<td><tt>"); #label print set_color($norml_color); if ($opt_html && $html_fillup) { print "$label:"; print " " x (11 - length($label)); } else { printf "%-11s","$label:"; } html("</font></tt></td>\n"); #address html("<td><tt>"); print set_color($quads_color); #printf "%s-22s",(ntoa($address).$additional_info); #printf "%s%-11s$sfont%s",set_color($norml_color),"$label:",set_color($quads_color); $second_field = ntoa($address).$additional_info; if ($opt_html && $html_fillup) { print $second_field; print " " x (21 - length($second_field)); } else { printf "%-21s", (ntoa($address).$additional_info); } html("</font></tt></td>\n"); if ($opt_print_bits) { html("<td><tt>"); $bit_color = set_color($binry_color); if ($label eq 'Netmask') { $bit_color = set_color($mask_color); } if ($classbitcolor_on) { $line .= set_color($class_color); } else { $line .= set_color($bit_color); } for (my $i=1;$i<33;$i++) { $bit = 0; if (($address & (1 << 32-$i)) == (1 << 32-$i)) { $bit = 1; } $line .= $bit; if ($classbitcolor_on && $bit == 0) { $classbitcolor_on = 0; if ($newbitcolor_on) { $line .= set_color($subnt_color); } else { $line .= set_color($bit_color); } } # print "$mask1 $i % 8 == " . (($i) % 8) . "\n"; if ($i % 8 == 0 && $i < 32) { $line .= set_color($norml_color) . '.'; $line .= set_color('oldcolor'); } if ($i == $mask1) { $line .= " "; } if (($i == $mask1 || $i == $mask2) && $mask1 != $mask2) { if ($newbitcolor_on) { $newbitcolor_on = 0; $line .= set_color($bit_color) if ! $classbitcolor_on; } else { $newbitcolor_on = 1; $line .= set_color($subnt_color) if ! $classbitcolor_on; } } } $line .= set_color($norml_color); print "$line"; html("</tt></font></td>\n"); } html("</tr>\n"); html("\n"); text("\n"); #print $sfont . $break; } sub text { my $str = shift; if ($opt_text) { print "$str"; } } sub html { my $str = shift; if ($opt_html) { print "$str"; } } sub set_color { my $new_color = shift; my $return; if ($new_color eq $color_old) { # print "SETCOLOR saved one dupe\n"; # $return = 'x'; $return = ''; } if ($new_color eq 'oldcolor') { $new_color = $color_old; } $color_old = $color_actual; #$return .= "$color_actual" . "old"; $color_actual = $new_color; #return $new_color; $return .= $new_color; return $return; } sub split_network { my $network = shift; my $mask1 = shift; my $mask2 = shift; my @sizes = @_; my $first_address = $network; my $broadcast = $network | ((~$mask1) & $thirtytwobits); my @network; my $i=0; my @net; my @mask; my $needed_addresses = 0; my $needed_size; foreach (@sizes) { $needed_size = round2powerof2($_+2); # printf "%3d -> %3d -> %3d\n",$_,$_+2,$needed_size; push @network , $needed_size .":".$i++; $needed_addresses += $needed_size; } @network = sort { ($b =~ /(.+):/)[0] <=> ($a =~ /(.+):/)[0] } @network; foreach (@network) { my ($size,$nr) = split ":",$_; $net[$nr]= $network; $mask[$nr]= (32-log($size)/log(2)); $network += $size; } $i = -1; while ($i++ < $#sizes) { printf "%d. Requested size: %d hosts\n", $i+1,$sizes[$i]; ###$mask = $mask[$i]; #$mark_newbits = 1; ###print_netmask(bitcountmasktobin($mask[$i]),$mask); printline("Netmask",bitcountmaskton($mask[$i]),bitcountmaskton($mask[$i]),$mask2); printnet($net[$i],bitcountmaskton($mask[$i]),$mask2); } my $used_mask = 32-log(round2powerof2($needed_addresses))/log(2); if ($used_mask < ntobitcountmask($mask1)) { print "Network is too small\n"; } print "Needed size: ". $needed_addresses . " addresses.\n"; print "Used network: ". ntoa($first_address) ."/$used_mask\n"; print "Unused:\n"; deaggregate($network,$broadcast); } sub round2powerof2 { my $i=0; while ($_[0] > ( 1 << $i)) { $i++; } return 1 << $i; } # Deaggregate address range # expects: range: (dotted quads)start (dotted quads)end sub deaggregate { my $start = shift; my $end = shift; my $base = $start; my $step; while ($base <= $end) { $step = 0; while (($base | (1 << $step)) != $base) { if (($base | (((~0) & $thirtytwobits) >> (31-$step))) > $end) { last; } $step++; } print ntoa($base)."/" .(32-$step); print "\n"; $base += 1 << $step; } } sub getopts # expects nothing # returns @ARGV without options # sets global opt variables # -h --html # -h without further opts -> help # (workaround: can't change meaning of -h since this would # break old cgi_wrapper scripts) # --help # -n --nocolor # -v --version # -c --class print natural class # -s --split # -b --nobinary # -d --deaggregate { my @arguments; my $arg; my $prefix; my $nr_opts = 0; my @tmp; # opt_color defaults to 1 when connected to a terminal if (-t STDOUT) { $opt_color = 1; } # Under Emacs, do not use colors by default. The TERM is for older # Emacs versions. if ( !defined($ENV{'TERM'}) or $ENV{'TERM'} =~ /dumb/i or $ENV{'INSIDE_EMACS'} ) { $opt_color = 0; } while (has_opts()) { $arg = shift @ARGV; if ($arg =~ /^--(.+)/) { $nr_opts += read_opt('--',$1); } elsif ($arg =~ /^-(.+)/) { $nr_opts += read_opt('-',split //,$1); } else { push @tmp, $arg; } } # foreach (@arguments) { # print "arg: $_\n"; # } foreach (@ARGV) { push @tmp,$_; } # extract base address and netmasks and ranges foreach (@tmp) { if (/^(.+?)\/(.+)$/) { push @arguments,$1; push @arguments,$2; } elsif (/^(.+)\/$/) { push @arguments,$1; } elsif (/^(.+)\-(.+)$/) { push @arguments,$1; push @arguments,$2; $opt_deaggregate = 1; } elsif (/^\-$/) { $opt_deaggregate = 1; } else { push @arguments, $_; } } if ($#arguments == 2 && $arguments[1] eq '-') { @arguments = ($arguments[0],$arguments[2]); $opt_deaggregate = 1; } # workaround for -h if ($opt_html && $nr_opts == 1 && $#arguments == -1) { $opt_help = 1; } if ($error) { print "$error"; exit; } return @arguments; sub read_opt { my $prefix = shift; my $opts_read = 0; foreach my $opt (@_) { ++$opts_read; if ($opt eq 'h' || $opt eq 'html') { $opt_html = 1; $opt_text = 0; } elsif ($opt eq 'help') { $opt_help = 1; } elsif ($opt eq 'c' || $opt eq 'color') { $opt_color = 1; } elsif ($opt eq 'n' || $opt eq 'nocolor') { $opt_color = 0; } elsif ($opt eq 'v' || $opt eq 'version') { $opt_version = 1; } elsif ($opt eq 'b' || $opt eq 'nobinary') { $opt_print_bits = 0; } elsif ($opt eq 'c' || $opt eq 'class') { $opt_print_only_class = 1; } elsif ($opt eq 'r' || $opt eq 'range') { $opt_deaggregate = 1; } elsif ($opt eq 's' || $opt eq 'split') { $opt_split = 1; while (defined $ARGV[0] && $ARGV[0] =~ /^\d+$/) { push @opt_split_sizes, shift @ARGV; } if ($#opt_split_sizes < 0) { $error .= "Argument for ". $prefix . $opt . " is missing or invalid \n"; } } else { $error .= "Unknown option: " . $prefix . $opt . "\n"; --$opts_read; } } return $opts_read; } sub has_opts { foreach (@ARGV) { return 1 if /^-/; } return 0; } } # expects int width # string # returns wrapped string sub wrap_html { my $width = shift; my $str = shift; #warn "WRAP: '$str'\n"; my @str = split //,$str; my $result; my $current_pos = 0; my $start = 0; my $last_pos = 0; my $line; while ($current_pos < $#str) { #warn "$current_pos\n"; #warn "$current_pos: $str[$current_pos]\n"; # find next blank while ($current_pos < $#str && $str[$current_pos] ne ' ') { # ignore tags if ($str[$current_pos] eq '<') { $current_pos++; while ($str[$current_pos] ne '>') { $current_pos++; } } $current_pos++; } # fits in one line?... $line = substr($str,$start,$current_pos-$start); $line =~ s/<.+?>//g; if ( length($line) <= $width) { # ... yes. keep position in mind and try next $last_pos = $current_pos; $current_pos++; next; } else { # wrap at last position (if there was one, # otherwise wrap here) if ($last_pos ne $start) { $current_pos = $last_pos; } $line = substr($str,$start,$current_pos-$start); $current_pos++; $start = $current_pos; $last_pos = $start; # no output if end of string is reached because # rest of string is treated after this block if ($current_pos < $#str) { #warn "RESULT+ '$line'\n"; $result .= "$line<br>"; } } } $line = substr($str,$start,$current_pos-$start); $result .= "$line"; #warn "'return RESULT $result'\n"; return $result; } # gets network address as dq # returns string description,string url sub netblock { my ($mynetwork_start,$mymask) = @_; my $mynetwork_end = $mynetwork_start | ((~$mymask) & $thirtytwobits); my %netblocks = ( "" => "Private Internet,", "" => "Private Internet,", "" => "Private Internet,", "" => "APIPA,", "" => "Loopback,", "" => "Multicast," ); my $match = 0; # foreach (keys %netblocks) { my ($network,$mask) = split "/",$_; my $start = argton($network); my $end = $start + (1 << (32-$mask)) -1; # mynetwork starts within block if ($mynetwork_start >= $start && $mynetwork_start <= $end) { $match++; } # mynetwork ends within block if ($mynetwork_end >= $start && $mynetwork_end <= $end) { $match++; } # block is part of mynetwork if ($start > $mynetwork_start && $end < $mynetwork_end) { $match = 1; } if ($match == 1) { return "In Part ".$netblocks{$_}; } if ($match == 2) { return $netblocks{$_}; } } return ""; } # ------- converter --------------------------------------------- sub bitcountmaskton { my $bitcountmask = shift; my $n; for (my $i=0;$i<$bitcountmask;$i++) { $n |= 1 << (31-$i); } return $n; } sub argton # expects 1. an address as dotted decimals, bit-count-mask, or hex # 2. netmask flag. if set -> check netmask and negate wildcard # masks # returns integer or -1 if invalid { my $arg = shift; my $netmask_flag = shift; my $i = 24; my $n = 0; # dotted decimals if ($arg =~ /^(\d{1,3})\.(\d{1,3})\.(\d{1,3})\.(\d{1,3})$/) { my @decimals = ($1,$2,$3,$4); foreach (@decimals) { if ($_ > 255 || $_ < 0) { return -1; } $n += $_ << $i; $i -= 8; } if ($netmask_flag) { return validate_netmask($n); } return $n; } # bit-count-mask (24 or /24) $arg =~ s/^\/(\d+)$/$1/; if ($arg =~ /^\d{1,2}$/) { if ($arg < 0 || $arg > 32) { return -1; } for ($i=0;$i<$arg;$i++) { $n |= 1 << (31-$i); } return $n; } # hex if ($arg =~ /^[0-9A-Fa-f]{8}$/ || $arg =~ /^0x[0-9A-Fa-f]{8}$/ ) { if ($netmask_flag) { return validate_netmask(hex($arg)); } return hex($arg); } # invalid return -1; sub validate_netmask { my $mask = shift; my $saw_zero = 0; # negate wildcard if (($mask & (1 << 31)) == 0) { print "WILDCARD\n"; $mask = ~$mask; } # find ones following zeros for (my $i=0;$i<32;$i++) { if (($mask & (1 << (31-$i))) == 0) { $saw_zero = 1; } else { if ($saw_zero) { print "INVALID NETMASK\n"; return -1; } } } return $mask; } } sub ntoa { return join ".",unpack("CCCC",pack("N",shift)); } sub ntobitcountmask # expects integer # returns bitcountmask { my $mask = shift; my $bitcountmask = 0; # find first zero while ( ($mask & (1 << (31-$bitcountmask))) != 0 ) { if ($bitcountmask > 31) { last; } $bitcountmask++; } return $bitcountmask; } # ------- documentation ---------------------------------------- sub usage { print << "EOF"; Usage: ipcalc [options] <ADDRESS>[[/]<NETMASK>] [NETMASK] ipcalc takes an IP address and netmask and calculates the resulting broadcast, network, Cisco wildcard mask, and host range. By giving a second netmask, you can design sub- and supernetworks. It is also intended to be a teaching tool and presents the results as easy-to-understand binary values. -n --nocolor Don't display ANSI color codes. -c --color Display ANSI color codes (default). -b --nobinary Suppress the bitwise output. -c --class Just print bit-count-mask of given address. -h --html Display results as HTML (not finished in this version). -v --version Print Version. -s --split n1 n2 n3 Split into networks of size n1, n2, n3. -r --range Deaggregate address range. --help Longer help text. Examples: ipcalc ipcalc ipcalc ipcalc ipcalc <ADDRESS1> - <ADDRESS2> deaggregate address range ipcalc <ADDRESS>/<NETMASK> --s a b c split network to subnets where a b c fits in. ! New HTML support not yet finished. ipcalc $version EOF } sub help { print << "EOF"; IP Calculator $version Enter your netmask(s) in CIDR notation (/25) or dotted decimals ( Inverse netmask are recognized. If you mmit the netmask, ipcalc uses the default netmask for the class of your network. Look at the space between the bits of the addresses: The bits before it are the network part of the address, the bits after it are the host part. You can see two simple facts: In a network address all host bits are zero, in a broadcast address they are all set. The class of your network is determined by its first bits. If your network is a private internet according to RFC 1918 this is remarked. When displaying subnets the new bits in the network part of the netmask are marked in a different color. The wildcard is the inverse netmask as used for access control lists in Cisco routers. You can also enter netmasks in wildcard notation. Do you want to split your network into subnets? Enter the address and netmask of your original network and play with the second netmask until the result matches your needs. Questions? Comments? Drop me a mail: krischan at Thanks for your nice ideas and help to make this tool more useful: Bartosz Fenski Denis A. Hainsworth Foxfair Hu Frank Quotschalla Hermann J. Beckers Igor Zozulya Kevin Ivory Lars Mueller Lutz Pressler Oliver Seufer Scott Davis Steve Kent Sven Anderson Torgen Foertsch EOF usage(); exit; }