View file File name : uglifier.rb Content :# encoding: UTF-8 require "execjs" require "json" require "uglifier/version" # A wrapper around the UglifyJS interface class Uglifier # Error class for compilation errors. Error = ExecJS::Error # JavaScript code to call UglifyJS JS = <<-JS (function(options) { function comments(option) { if ( === '[object Array]') { return new RegExp(option[0], option[1]); } else if (option == "jsdoc") { return function(node, comment) { if (comment.type == "comment2") { return /@preserve|@license|@cc_on/i.test(comment.value); } else { return false; } } } else { return option; } } var source = options.source; var ast = UglifyJS.parse(source, options.parse_options); ast.figure_out_scope(); if (options.compress) { var compressor = UglifyJS.Compressor(options.compress); ast = ast.transform(compressor); ast.figure_out_scope(); } if (options.mangle) { ast.compute_char_frequency(); ast.mangle_names(options.mangle); } if (options.enclose) { ast = ast.wrap_enclose(options.enclose); } var gen_code_options = options.output; gen_code_options.comments = comments(options.output.comments); if (options.generate_map) { var source_map = UglifyJS.SourceMap(options.source_map_options); gen_code_options.source_map = source_map; } var stream = UglifyJS.OutputStream(gen_code_options); ast.print(stream); if (options.source_map_options.map_url) { stream += "\\n//# sourceMappingURL=" + options.source_map_options.map_url; } if (options.source_map_options.url) { stream += "\\n//# sourceURL=" + options.source_map_options.url; } if (options.generate_map) { return [stream.toString(), source_map.toString()]; } else { return stream.toString(); } }) JS def self.find_asset(filename) [ File.expand_path("../" + filename, __FILE__), File.join("/usr/share/javascript/ruby-uglifier", filename) ].find { |f| File.exists?(f) } end # SourceMap path SourceMapPath = "/usr/share/javascript/source-map/source-map.js" # UglifyJS source path SourcePath = "/usr/share/javascript/uglifyjs/uglify.js" # ES5 shims source path ES5FallbackPath = find_asset("es5.js") # String.split shim source path SplitFallbackPath = find_asset("split.js") # Default options for compilation DEFAULTS = { # rubocop:disable LineLength :output => { :ascii_only => true, # Escape non-ASCII characterss :comments => :copyright, # Preserve comments (:all, :jsdoc, :copyright, :none) :inline_script => false, # Escape occurrences of </script in strings :quote_keys => false, # Quote keys in object literals :max_line_len => 32 * 1024, # Maximum line length in minified code :bracketize => false, # Bracketize if, for, do, while or with statements, even if their body is a single statement :semicolons => true, # Separate statements with semicolons :preserve_line => false, # Preserve line numbers in outputs :beautify => false, # Beautify output :indent_level => 4, # Indent level in spaces :indent_start => 0, # Starting indent level :space_colon => false, # Insert space before colons (only with beautifier) :width => 80, # Specify line width when beautifier is used (only with beautifier) :preamble => nil # Preamble for the generated JS file. Can be used to insert any code or comment. }, :mangle => { :eval => false, # Mangle names when eval of when is used in scope :except => ["$super"], # Argument names to be excluded from mangling :sort => false, # Assign shorter names to most frequently used variables. Often results in bigger output after gzip. :toplevel => false # Mangle names declared in the toplevel scope }, # Mangle variable and function names, set to false to skip mangling :compress => { :sequences => true, # Allow statements to be joined by commas :properties => true, # Rewrite property access using the dot notation :dead_code => true, # Remove unreachable code :drop_debugger => true, # Remove debugger; statements :unsafe => false, # Apply "unsafe" transformations :conditionals => true, # Optimize for if-s and conditional expressions :comparisons => true, # Apply binary node optimizations for comparisons :evaluate => true, # Attempt to evaluate constant expressions :booleans => true, # Various optimizations to boolean contexts :loops => true, # Optimize loops when condition can be statically determined :unused => true, # Drop unreferenced functions and variables :hoist_funs => true, # Hoist function declarations :hoist_vars => false, # Hoist var declarations :if_return => true, # Optimizations for if/return and if/continue :join_vars => true, # Join consecutive var statements :cascade => true, # Cascade sequences :negate_iife => true, # Negate immediately invoked function expressions to avoid extra parens :pure_getters => false, # Assume that object property access does not have any side-effects :pure_funcs => nil, # List of functions without side-effects. Can safely discard function calls when the result value is not used :drop_console => false, # Drop calls to console.* functions :angular => false, # Process @ngInject annotations :keep_fargs => false # Preserve unused function arguments }, # Apply transformations to code, set to false to skip :define => {}, # Define values for symbol replacement :enclose => false, # Enclose in output function wrapper, define replacements as key-value pairs :source_filename => nil, # The filename of the input file :source_root => nil, # The URL of the directory which contains :source_filename :output_filename => nil, # The filename or URL where the minified output can be found :input_source_map => nil, # The contents of the source map describing the input :screw_ie8 => false, # Don't bother to generate safe code for IE8 :source_map_url => false, # Url for source mapping to be appended in minified source :source_url => false # Url for original source to be appended in minified source } # rubocop:enable LineLength # Minifies JavaScript code using implicit context. # # @param source [IO, String] valid JS source code. # @param options [Hash] optional overrides to +Uglifier::DEFAULTS+ # @return [String] minified code. def self.compile(source, options = {}) new(options).compile(source) end # Minifies JavaScript code and generates a source map using implicit context. # # @param source [IO, String] valid JS source code. # @param options [Hash] optional overrides to +Uglifier::DEFAULTS+ # @return [Array(String, String)] minified code and source map. def self.compile_with_map(source, options = {}) new(options).compile_with_map(source) end # Initialize new context for Uglifier with given options # # @param options [Hash] optional overrides to +Uglifier::DEFAULTS+ def initialize(options = {}) (options.keys - DEFAULTS.keys - [:comments, :squeeze, :copyright])[0..1].each do |missing| raise ArgumentError, "Invalid option: #{missing}" end @options = options @context = ExecJS.compile(uglifyjs_source) end # Minifies JavaScript code # # @param source [IO, String] valid JS source code. # @return [String] minified code. def compile(source) run_uglifyjs(source, false) end alias_method :compress, :compile # Minifies JavaScript code and generates a source map # # @param source [IO, String] valid JS source code. # @return [Array(String, String)] minified code and source map. def compile_with_map(source) run_uglifyjs(source, true) end private def uglifyjs_source [ __read__(ES5FallbackPath), __read__(SplitFallbackPath), 'window = this;', __read__(SourceMapPath), "MOZ_SourceMap = sourceMap;", __read__(SourcePath), ].join("\n") end def __read__(file), "r:UTF-8") { |f| } end # Run UglifyJS for given source code def run_uglifyjs(source, generate_map) options = { :source => read_source(source), :output => output_options, :compress => compressor_options, :mangle => mangle_options, :parse_options => parse_options, :source_map_options => source_map_options, :generate_map => generate_map, :enclose => enclose_options }, options) end def read_source(source) if source.respond_to?(:read) else source.to_s end end def mangle_options conditional_option(@options[:mangle], DEFAULTS[:mangle]) end def compressor_options defaults = conditional_option( DEFAULTS[:compress], :global_defs => @options[:define] || {}, :screw_ie8 => @options[:screw_ie8] || DEFAULTS[:screw_ie8] ) conditional_option(@options[:compress] || @options[:squeeze], defaults) end def comment_options case comment_setting when :all, true true when :jsdoc "jsdoc" when :copyright encode_regexp(/(^!)|Copyright/i) when Regexp encode_regexp(comment_setting) else false end end def comment_setting if @options.has_key?(:output) && @options[:output].has_key?(:comments) @options[:output][:comments] elsif @options.has_key?(:comments) @options[:comments] elsif @options[:copyright] == false :none else DEFAULTS[:output][:comments] end end def output_options DEFAULTS[:output].merge(@options[:output] || {}).merge( :comments => comment_options, :screw_ie8 => screw_ie8? ).reject { |key, _| key == :ie_proof } end def screw_ie8? if (@options[:output] || {}).has_key?(:ie_proof) false else @options[:screw_ie8] || DEFAULTS[:screw_ie8] end end def source_map_options { :file => @options[:output_filename], :root => @options[:source_root], :orig => @options[:input_source_map], :map_url => @options[:source_map_url], :url => @options[:source_url] } end def parse_options { :filename => @options[:source_filename] } end def enclose_options if @options[:enclose] @options[:enclose].map do |pair| pair.first + ':' + pair.last end else false end end def encode_regexp(regexp) modifiers = if regexp.casefold? "i" else "" end [regexp.source, modifiers] end def conditional_option(value, defaults) if value == true || value.nil? defaults elsif value defaults.merge(value) else false end end end