Edit file File name : flickr_dump_stored_config Content :#!/usr/bin/perl #----------------------------- # flickr_dump_stored_config.pl #_____________________________ use warnings; use strict; use Data::Dumper; use Storable qw(store_fd retrieve_fd); use Getopt::Long; use Pod::Usage; my $config; my $cli_args = {}; GetOptions ( $cli_args, 'config_in=s', 'help', 'man', 'usage' ); if (defined($ARGV[0])) { $cli_args->{'config_in'} = $ARGV[0]; } #------------------------------------------------------------- # Respond to help-type arguments or if missing required params #_____________________________________________________________ if ($cli_args->{'help'} or $cli_args->{'usage'} or $cli_args->{'man'} or !$cli_args->{'config_in'}) { pod2usage({ -verbose => 2 }); } open my $CFG, "<", $cli_args->{'config_in'} or die "Failed to open $cli_args->{'config_in'}: $!"; $config = retrieve_fd($CFG); close $CFG; $Data::Dumper::Sortkeys=1; print "\n\n\n\nRetrieved\n\n",Dumper($config),"\nfrom ",$cli_args->{'config_in'}," using Storable\n\n"; exit; __END__ =pod =head1 NAME flickr_dump_stored_config - script to display contents of a Flickr::API storable configuration file. =head1 SYNOPSIS flickr_dump_stored_config [/path/to/file or --config_in=Config-File_to_dump] =head1 OPTIONS =head2 Required: =over 5 =item Either a B</path/to/config/file> or =item B<--config_in> pointing to the stored Flickr config file. =back =over 5 =item B<--help> as expected =item B<--usage> =item B<--man> =back =head1 DESCRIPTION This script is a lightweight way to dump the contents of a Flickr::API storable configuration. It does not I<use Flickr::API;> and sticks to modules from perl core so that it can be used prior to --and perhaps in conjunction with-- installation and testing of the Flickr::API module. =head1 LICENSE AND COPYRIGHT Copyright (c) 2015-2016, Louis B. Moore C<< <lbmoore@cpan.org> >>. This program is released under the Artistic License 2.0 by The Perl Foundation. =head1 SEE ALSO The README in the Flickr::API distribution. Save