Edit file File name : cli-cache.feature Content :Feature: CLI Cache Scenario: Remove all files from cache directory Given an empty cache When I run `wp core download --path={CACHE_DIR} --version=4.9 --force` And I run `wp core download --path={CACHE_DIR} --version=4.9 --force --locale=de_DE` Then the {SUITE_CACHE_DIR}/core directory should contain: """ wordpress-4.9-de_DE.tar.gz wordpress-4.9-en_US.tar.gz """ When I run `wp cli cache clear` Then STDOUT should be: """ Success: Cache cleared. """ And STDERR should be empty And the {SUITE_CACHE_DIR}/core directory should not contain: """ wordpress-4.9-de_DE.tar.gz """ And the {SUITE_CACHE_DIR}/core directory should not contain: """ wordpress-4.9-en_US.tar.gz """ Scenario: Using a null device disables the cache without throwing an error Given an empty directory And a env-var.php file: """ <?php putenv( 'WP_CLI_CACHE_DIR=/dev/null' ); """ When I run `wp --require=env-var.php core download --path=/tmp/wp-core --version=4.9 --force` Then STDERR should be empty Scenario: Remove all but newest files from cache directory Given an empty cache And a file-a-12345.tmp cache file: """ -empty- """ And a file-a-23456.tmp cache file: """ -empty- """ And a file-b-12345.tmp cache file: """ -empty- """ And a file-b-23456.tmp cache file: """ -empty- """ And a file-b-01234.tmp cache file: """ -empty- """ And a file-c-12345.tmp cache file: """ -empty- """ When I run `wp cli cache prune` Then STDOUT should be: """ Success: Cache pruned. """ And the {SUITE_CACHE_DIR}/file-a-12345.tmp file should not exist And the {SUITE_CACHE_DIR}/file-a-23456.tmp file should exist And the {SUITE_CACHE_DIR}/file-b-12345.tmp file should not exist And the {SUITE_CACHE_DIR}/file-b-23456.tmp file should exist And the {SUITE_CACHE_DIR}/file-b-01234.tmp file should not exist And the {SUITE_CACHE_DIR}/file-c-12345.tmp file should exist Save