View file File name : bootstrap.feature Content :Feature: Bootstrap WP-CLI Background: When I run `wp package path` And save STDOUT as {PACKAGE_PATH} And I run `rm -rf {PACKAGE_PATH}/vendor` And I run `rm -rf {PACKAGE_PATH}/composer.json` And I run `rm -rf {PACKAGE_PATH}/composer.lock` @less-than-php-7.4 @require-opcache-save-comments Scenario: Basic Composer stack Given an empty directory And a composer.json file: """ { "name": "wp-cli/composer-test", "type": "project", "require": { "wp-cli/wp-cli": "1.1.0" } } """ # Note: Composer outputs messages to stderr. And I run `composer install --no-interaction 2>&1` When I run `vendor/bin/wp cli version` Then STDOUT should contain: """ WP-CLI 1.1.0 """ Scenario: Composer stack with override requirement before WP-CLI Given a WP installation And a composer.json file: """ { "name": "wp-cli/composer-test", "type": "project", "minimum-stability": "dev", "prefer-stable": true, "repositories": [ { "type": "path", "url": "./override", "options": { "symlink": false } } ], "require": { "wp-cli/override": "*", "wp-cli/wp-cli": "dev-main" } } """ And a override/override.php file: """ <?php if ( ! class_exists( 'WP_CLI' ) ) { return; } // Override bundled command. WP_CLI::add_command( 'eval', 'Eval_Command', array( 'when' => 'before_wp_load' ) ); """ And a override/src/Eval_Command.php file: """ <?php class Eval_Command extends WP_CLI_Command { public function __invoke() { WP_CLI::success( "WP-Override-Eval" ); } } """ And a override/composer.json file: """ { "name": "wp-cli/override", "description": "A command that overrides the 'eval' command.", "autoload": { "psr-4": { "": "src/" }, "files": [ "override.php" ] }, "extra": { "commands": [ "eval" ] } } """ And I run `composer install --no-interaction 2>&1` When I run `vendor/bin/wp eval '\WP_CLI::Success( "WP-Standard-Eval" );'` Then STDOUT should contain: """ Success: WP-Override-Eval """ Scenario: Override command bundled with current source Given a WP installation And a override/override.php file: """ <?php if ( ! class_exists( 'WP_CLI' ) ) { return; } $autoload = dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/vendor/autoload.php'; if ( file_exists( $autoload ) && ! class_exists( 'CLI_Command' ) ) { require_once $autoload; } // Override framework command. WP_CLI::add_command( 'cli', 'CLI_Command', array( 'when' => 'before_wp_load' ) ); // Override bundled command. WP_CLI::add_command( 'eval', 'Eval_Command', array( 'when' => 'before_wp_load' ) ); """ And a override/src/CLI_Command.php file: """ <?php class CLI_Command extends WP_CLI_Command { public function version() { WP_CLI::success( "WP-Override-CLI" ); } } """ And a override/src/Eval_Command.php file: """ <?php class Eval_Command extends WP_CLI_Command { public function __invoke() { WP_CLI::success( "WP-Override-Eval" ); } } """ And a override/composer.json file: """ { "name": "wp-cli/override", "description": "A command that overrides the bundled 'cli' and 'eval' commands.", "autoload": { "psr-4": { "": "src/" }, "files": [ "override.php" ] }, "extra": { "commands": [ "cli", "eval" ] } } """ And I run `composer install --working-dir={RUN_DIR}/override --no-interaction 2>&1` When I run `wp cli version` Then STDOUT should contain: """ WP-CLI """ When I run `wp eval '\WP_CLI::Success( "WP-Standard-Eval" );'` Then STDOUT should contain: """ Success: WP-Standard-Eval """ When I run `wp --require=override/override.php cli version` Then STDOUT should contain: """ WP-Override-CLI """ When I run `wp --require=override/override.php eval '\WP_CLI::Success( "WP-Standard-Eval" );'` Then STDOUT should contain: """ Success: WP-Override-Eval """ Scenario: Override command through package manager Given a WP installation And a override/override.php file: """ <?php if ( ! class_exists( 'WP_CLI' ) ) { return; } $autoload = dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/vendor/autoload.php'; if ( file_exists( $autoload ) && ! class_exists( 'CLI_Command' ) ) { require_once $autoload; } // Override framework command. WP_CLI::add_command( 'cli', 'CLI_Command', array( 'when' => 'before_wp_load' ) ); // Override bundled command. WP_CLI::add_command( 'eval', 'Eval_Command', array( 'when' => 'before_wp_load' ) ); """ And a override/src/CLI_Command.php file: """ <?php class CLI_Command extends WP_CLI_Command { public function version() { WP_CLI::success( "WP-Override-CLI" ); } } """ And a override/src/Eval_Command.php file: """ <?php class Eval_Command extends WP_CLI_Command { public function __invoke() { WP_CLI::success( "WP-Override-Eval" ); } } """ And a override/composer.json file: """ { "name": "wp-cli/override", "description": "A command that overrides the bundled 'cli' and 'eval' commands.", "autoload": { "psr-4": { "": "src/" }, "files": [ "override.php" ] }, "extra": { "commands": [ "cli", "eval" ] } } """ And I run `wp package install {RUN_DIR}/override` When I run `wp cli version --skip-packages` Then STDOUT should contain: """ WP-CLI """ When I run `wp eval '\WP_CLI::Success( "WP-Standard-Eval" );' --skip-packages` Then STDOUT should contain: """ Success: WP-Standard-Eval """ When I run `wp cli version` Then STDOUT should contain: """ WP-Override-CLI """ When I run `wp eval '\WP_CLI::Success( "WP-Standard-Eval" );'` Then STDOUT should contain: """ Success: WP-Override-Eval """ Scenario: Extend existing bundled command through package manager Given a WP installation And a override/override.php file: """ <?php if ( ! class_exists( 'WP_CLI' ) ) { return; } WP_CLI::add_hook( 'before_wp_load', static function () { WP_CLI::add_command( 'plugin', 'My_Extended_Plugin_Command' ); } ); """ And a override/src/My_Extended_Plugin_Command.php file: """ <?php class My_Extended_Plugin_Command extends Plugin_Command { public function install( $args, $assoc_args ) { WP_CLI::error( 'Plugin installation has been disabled.' ); } } """ And a override/composer.json file: """ { "name": "wp-cli/override", "description": "A command that extends the bundled 'plugin' command.", "autoload": { "psr-4": { "": "src/" }, "files": [ "override.php" ] }, "extra": { "commands": [ "plugin" ] } } """ And I run `wp package install {RUN_DIR}/override` When I try `wp plugin install duplicate-post` Then STDERR should contain: """ Error: Plugin installation has been disabled. """ When I run `wp plugin list` Then STDOUT should contain: """ hello """ Scenario: Define constant before running a command Given a WP installation # Expect a warning from WP core for PHP 8+. When I try `wp --exec="define( 'WP_ADMIN', true );" eval "echo WP_ADMIN;"` Then STDOUT should contain: """ 1 """ @require-php-7.0 Scenario: Composer stack with both WordPress and wp-cli as dependencies (command line) Given a WP installation with Composer And a dependency on current wp-cli # Redirect STDERR to STDOUT as Composer produces non-error output on STDERR And I run `composer require wp-cli/entity-command --with-all-dependencies --no-interaction 2>&1` When I run `vendor/bin/wp option get blogname` Then STDOUT should contain: """ WP CLI Site with both WordPress and wp-cli as Composer dependencies """ @broken @require-php-7.0 Scenario: Composer stack with both WordPress and wp-cli as dependencies (web) Given a WP installation with Composer And a dependency on current wp-cli And a PHP built-in web server to serve 'WordPress' Then the HTTP status code should be 200 @require-php-7.0 Scenario: Composer stack with both WordPress and wp-cli as dependencies and a custom vendor directory Given a WP installation with Composer and a custom vendor directory 'vendor-custom' And a dependency on current wp-cli # Redirect STDERR to STDOUT as Composer produces non-error output on STDERR And I run `composer require wp-cli/entity-command --with-all-dependencies --no-interaction 2>&1` When I run `vendor-custom/bin/wp option get blogname` Then STDOUT should contain: """ WP CLI Site with both WordPress and wp-cli as Composer dependencies """ Scenario: Setting an environment variable passes the value through Given an empty directory And WP files And a database And a env-var.php file: """ <?php putenv( 'WP_CLI_TEST_ENV_VAR=foo' ); """ And a wp-cli.yml file: """ config create: extra-php: | require_once __DIR__ . '/env-var.php'; define( 'WP_CLI_TEST_CONSTANT', getenv( 'WP_CLI_TEST_ENV_VAR' ) ); """ When I run `wp config create --skip-check {CORE_CONFIG_SETTINGS}` Then STDOUT should contain: """ Success: """ # Use try to cater for wp-db errors in old WPs. When I try `wp core install --title=example --admin_user=example` Then STDOUT should contain: """ Success: """ And the return code should be 0 When I run `wp eval 'echo constant( "WP_CLI_TEST_CONSTANT" );'` Then STDOUT should be: """ foo """ @require-wp-3.9 Scenario: Run cache flush on ms_site_not_found Given a WP multisite installation And a wp-cli.yml file: """ url: """ And I run `wp package install wp-cli/cache-command` When I try `wp cache add foo bar` Then STDERR should contain: """ Error: Site '' not found. """ And the return code should be 1 When I try `wp cache flush` Then STDOUT should contain: """ Success: The cache was flushed. """ And the return code should be 0 # `wp search-replace` does not yet support SQLite # See @require-wp-4.0 @require-mysql Scenario: Run search-replace on ms_site_not_found Given a WP multisite installation And a wp-cli.yml file: """ url: """ And I run `wp package install wp-cli/search-replace-command` When I try `wp search-replace foo bar` Then STDERR should contain: """ Error: Site '' not found. """ And the return code should be 1 When I run `wp option update test_key '["foo"]' --format=json` Then STDOUT should contain: """ Success: """ # --network should permit search-replace When I run `wp search-replace foo bar --network` Then STDOUT should contain: """ Success: """ And the return code should be 0 When I run `wp option update test_key '["foo"]' --format=json` Then STDOUT should contain: """ Success: """ # --all-tables should permit search-replace When I run `wp search-replace foo bar --all-tables` Then STDOUT should contain: """ Success: """ And the return code should be 0 When I run `wp option update test_key '["foo"]' --format=json` Then STDOUT should contain: """ Success: """ # --all-tables-with-prefix should permit search-replace When I run `wp search-replace foo bar --all-tables-with-prefix` Then STDOUT should contain: """ Success: """ And the return code should be 0 When I run `wp option update test_key '["foo"]' --format=json` Then STDOUT should contain: """ Success: """ # Specific tables should permit search-replace When I run `wp search-replace foo bar wp_options` Then STDOUT should contain: """ Success: """ And the return code should be 0 Scenario: Allow disabling ini_set() Given an empty directory When I try `{INVOKE_WP_CLI_WITH_PHP_ARGS--ddisable_functions=ini_set} cli info` Then the return code should be 0