Edit file File name : ChangeStream.pm Content :# Copyright 2018 - present MongoDB, Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. use strict; use warnings; package MongoDB::ChangeStream; # ABSTRACT: A stream providing update information for collections. use version; our $VERSION = 'v2.2.0'; use Moo; use MongoDB::Cursor; use MongoDB::Op::_ChangeStream; use MongoDB::Error; use Safe::Isa; use BSON::Timestamp; use MongoDB::_Types qw( MongoDBCollection ArrayOfHashRef Boolish BSONTimestamp ClientSession ); use Types::Standard qw( InstanceOf HashRef Maybe Str Num ); use namespace::clean -except => 'meta'; has _result => ( is => 'rw', isa => InstanceOf['MongoDB::QueryResult'], init_arg => undef, ); has _client => ( is => 'ro', isa => InstanceOf['MongoDB::MongoClient'], init_arg => 'client', required => 1, ); has _op_args => ( is => 'ro', isa => HashRef, init_arg => 'op_args', required => 1, ); has _pipeline => ( is => 'ro', isa => ArrayOfHashRef, init_arg => 'pipeline', required => 1, ); has _full_document => ( is => 'ro', isa => Str, init_arg => 'full_document', predicate => '_has_full_document', ); has _resume_after => ( is => 'ro', init_arg => 'resume_after', predicate => '_has_resume_after', ); has _start_after => ( is => 'ro', init_arg => 'start_after', predicate => '_has_start_after', ); has _all_changes_for_cluster => ( is => 'ro', isa => Boolish, init_arg => 'all_changes_for_cluster', default => sub { 0 }, ); has _start_at_operation_time => ( is => 'ro', isa => BSONTimestamp, init_arg => 'start_at_operation_time', predicate => '_has_start_at_operation_time', coerce => sub { ref($_[0]) ? $_[0] : BSON::Timestamp->new(seconds => $_[0]) }, ); has _session => ( is => 'ro', isa => Maybe[ClientSession], init_arg => 'session', ); has _options => ( is => 'ro', isa => HashRef, init_arg => 'options', default => sub { {} }, ); has _max_await_time_ms => ( is => 'ro', isa => Num, init_arg => 'max_await_time_ms', predicate => '_has_max_await_time_ms', ); has _last_operation_time => ( is => 'rw', init_arg => undef, predicate => '_has_last_operation_time', ); has _last_resume_token => ( is => 'rw', init_arg => undef, predicate => '_has_last_resume_token', ); sub BUILD { my ($self) = @_; # starting point is construction time instead of first next call $self->_execute_query; } sub _execute_query { my ($self) = @_; my $resume_opt = {}; # seen prior results, continuing after last resume token if ($self->_has_last_resume_token) { $resume_opt->{resume_after} = $self->_last_resume_token; } elsif ( $self->_has_start_after ) { $self->_last_resume_token( $resume_opt->{start_after} = $self->_start_after ); } # no results yet, but we have operation time from prior query elsif ($self->_has_last_operation_time) { $resume_opt->{start_at_operation_time} = $self->_last_operation_time; } # no results and no prior operation time, send specified options else { $resume_opt->{start_at_operation_time} = $self->_start_at_operation_time if $self->_has_start_at_operation_time; if ( $self->_has_resume_after ) { $self->_last_resume_token( $resume_opt->{resume_after} = $self->_resume_after ); } } my $op = MongoDB::Op::_ChangeStream->new( pipeline => $self->_pipeline, all_changes_for_cluster => $self->_all_changes_for_cluster, session => $self->_session, options => $self->_options, client => $self->_client, $self->_has_full_document ? (full_document => $self->_full_document) : (), $self->_has_max_await_time_ms ? (maxAwaitTimeMS => $self->_max_await_time_ms) : (), %$resume_opt, %{ $self->_op_args }, ); my $res = $self->_client->send_retryable_read_op($op); $self->_result($res->{result}); $self->_last_operation_time($res->{operationTime}) if exists $res->{operationTime}; } #pod =head1 STREAM METHODS #pod #pod =cut #pod =head2 next #pod #pod $change_stream = $collection->watch(...); #pod $change = $change_stream->next; #pod #pod Waits for the next change in the collection and returns it. #pod #pod B<Note>: This method will wait for the amount of milliseconds passed #pod as C<maxAwaitTimeMS> to L<MongoDB::Collection/watch> or the server's #pod default wait-time. It will not wait indefinitely. #pod #pod =cut sub next { my ($self) = @_; my $change; my $retried; while (1) { last if eval { $change = $self->_result->next; 1; # successfully fetched result } or do { my $error = $@ || "Unknown error"; if ( not($retried) and $error->$_isa('MongoDB::Error') and $error->_is_resumable ) { $retried = 1; $self->_execute_query; } else { die $error; } 0; # failed, cursor was rebuilt }; } # this differs from drivers that block indefinitely. we have to # deal with the situation where no results are available. if (not defined $change) { return undef; ## no critic } if (exists $change->{'postBatchResumeToken'}) { $self->_last_resume_token( $change->{'postBatchResumeToken'} ); return $change; } elsif (exists $change->{_id}) { $self->_last_resume_token( $change->{_id} ); return $change; } else { MongoDB::InvalidOperationError->throw( "Cannot provide resume functionality when the ". "resume token is missing"); } } #pod =head2 get_resume_token #pod #pod Users can inspect the C<_id> on each C<ChangeDocument> to use as a #pod resume token. But since MongoDB 4.2, C<aggregate> and C<getMore> responses #pod also include a C<postBatchResumeToken>. Drivers use one or the other #pod when automatically resuming. #pod #pod This method retrieves the same resume token that would be used to #pod automatically resume. Users intending to store the resume token #pod should use this method to get the most up to date resume token. #pod #pod For instance: #pod #pod if ($local_change) { #pod process_change($local_change); #pod } #pod #pod eval { #pod my $change_stream = $coll->watch([], { resumeAfter => $local_resume_token }); #pod while ( my $change = $change_stream->next) { #pod $local_resume_token = $change_stream->get_resume_token; #pod $local_change = $change; #pod process_change($local_change); #pod } #pod }; #pod if (my $err = $@) { #pod $log->error($err); #pod } #pod #pod In this case the current change is always persisted locally, #pod including the resume token, such that on restart the application #pod can still process the change while ensuring that the change stream #pod continues from the right logical time in the oplog. It is the #pod application's responsibility to ensure that C<process_change> is #pod idempotent, this design merely makes a reasonable effort to process #pod each change at least once. #pod #pod =cut sub get_resume_token { $_[0]->_last_resume_token } 1; __END__ =pod =encoding UTF-8 =head1 NAME MongoDB::ChangeStream - A stream providing update information for collections. =head1 VERSION version v2.2.0 =head1 SYNOPSIS $stream = $collection->watch( $pipeline, $options ); while(1) { # This inner loop will only iterate until there are no more # changes available. while (my $change = $stream->next) { ... } } =head1 DESCRIPTION This class models change stream results as returned by the L<MongoDB::Collection/watch> method. =head1 STREAM METHODS =head2 next $change_stream = $collection->watch(...); $change = $change_stream->next; Waits for the next change in the collection and returns it. B<Note>: This method will wait for the amount of milliseconds passed as C<maxAwaitTimeMS> to L<MongoDB::Collection/watch> or the server's default wait-time. It will not wait indefinitely. =head2 get_resume_token Users can inspect the C<_id> on each C<ChangeDocument> to use as a resume token. But since MongoDB 4.2, C<aggregate> and C<getMore> responses also include a C<postBatchResumeToken>. Drivers use one or the other when automatically resuming. This method retrieves the same resume token that would be used to automatically resume. Users intending to store the resume token should use this method to get the most up to date resume token. For instance: if ($local_change) { process_change($local_change); } eval { my $change_stream = $coll->watch([], { resumeAfter => $local_resume_token }); while ( my $change = $change_stream->next) { $local_resume_token = $change_stream->get_resume_token; $local_change = $change; process_change($local_change); } }; if (my $err = $@) { $log->error($err); } In this case the current change is always persisted locally, including the resume token, such that on restart the application can still process the change while ensuring that the change stream continues from the right logical time in the oplog. It is the application's responsibility to ensure that C<process_change> is idempotent, this design merely makes a reasonable effort to process each change at least once. =head1 SEE ALSO The L<Change Streams manual section|https://docs.mongodb.com/manual/changeStreams/>. The L<Change Streams specification|https://github.com/mongodb/specifications/blob/master/source/change-streams.rst>. =head1 AUTHORS =over 4 =item * David Golden <david@mongodb.com> =item * Rassi <rassi@mongodb.com> =item * Mike Friedman <friedo@friedo.com> =item * Kristina Chodorow <k.chodorow@gmail.com> =item * Florian Ragwitz <rafl@debian.org> =back =head1 COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE This software is Copyright (c) 2019 by MongoDB, Inc. This is free software, licensed under: The Apache License, Version 2.0, January 2004 =cut Save