Edit file File name : cmode.slc Content :.#��" 12. c_make_comment% cmisc� ( autoload��" 132 c_format_paragraph% cmisc� ( autoload��" 14/ c_paragraph_sep% cmisc� ( autoload��" 161 c_top_of_function% cmisc� ( autoload��" 171 c_end_of_function% cmisc� ( autoload��" 18/ c_mark_function% cmisc� ( autoload��" 19/ c_indent_buffer& krconv� ( autoload��" 309 C_Autoinsert_CPP_Comments! 1� / custom_variable��" 43/ C_Switch_Offset! 0� / custom_variable��" 594 C_Outer_Block_Offset! 0� / custom_variable��" 712 C_Namespace_Offset! 3� / cu stom_variable��" 83. C_Class_Offset! 3� / custom_variable��" 992 C_Param_Offset_Max" -1� / custom_variable��# 112. C_Macro_Indent! 3� / custom_variable��# 1360 C_Bracket_Indent! 4� / custom_variable��# 1518 C_Label_Indents_Relative! 0� / custom_ variable��# 164. C_Label_Offset! 0� / custom_variable,*�# 168 ( is_slang+�# 169 ) what_mode�( is_slangP�# 170 ( is_slang! 8F�# 166y3 cmode_is_slang_mode,�# 175 $ eolp��# 176$" \\� + blooking_atC�$$ \\\\� + blooking_atNCw�# 173�= blooking_at_continuat ion_char,.��# 183$% \n� + bskip_chars�# 184 = blooking_at_continuation_char.��# 186! 1� ' go_leftu/cw/e�# 179�4 bskip_all_whitespace,��# 195$% \n� * skip_chars�# 193�3 skip_all_whitespace,��# 200+ a-zA-Z0-9_$� * skip_chars�# 198�/ skip_identif ier,��# 205+ a-zA-Z0-9_$� + bskip_chars�# 203�0 bskip_identifier,�# 210 ) push_mark�# 211 0 bskip_identifier�# 212 ) bufsubstrw�# 208�3 bextract_identifier,*�# 217 ( is_slang+ 3 cmode_is_slang_mode�( is_slang.�# 221 3 skip_all_whitespace�# 222 $ eobp. w/c�# 225 ( is_slang.��# 227" 37� / looking_at_char.w/b�# 230 # eolu/c��# 234" /*� * looking_at.��# 236" */� ' fsearch.w/b��# 238! 2� ( go_rightu/c��# 242" //� * looking_at.�# 244 # eolu/cw/e�# 215�1 skip_over_comment,�# 254 ) push_mark�# 255 / ski p_identifier�# 256 ) bufsubstrw�# 252�2 extract_identifier,*�# 260 # fun # str+.�# 262 # fun� # str�/.�# 264 . parse_to_point.�# 266 * go_right_1u/c�# 270! 1w/f�# 272! 0w�# 260�( c_search,*�# 275 # str+��# 277}' fsearch # str� ( c_searchw�# 275�) c_f search,*�# 280 # str+��# 282}+ bol_fsearch # str� ( c_searchw�# 280�- c_bol_fsearch,*�# 285 # str+��# 287}* re_fsearch # str� ( c_searchw�# 285�, c_re_fsearch,�# 292 # bol.��# 293" 37� * ffind_char/.�# 295 * go_right_1�# 296 . parse_to_point" -2A.w/c /f�# 301 # eol�# 290�4 c_find_effective_eol,*�# 304 ' skip_pp+..�# 308 . parse_to_point" -2A/.��# 310! %� % bfindP/f�# 313 + bskip_white�# 315 ) push_mark�# 316 # bol���# 317" 35� / looking_at_charN� ( pop_mark�# 319 $ bolp.w/b��# 320! 1� $ left.w/ b�# 321 4 c_find_effective_eol/e�# 304�4 slmode_bskip_comment,*�# 325 ' skip_pp+�# 327 3 cmode_is_slang_mode.� ' skip_pp� 4 slmode_bskip_commentw/c.�# 331 4 bskip_all_whitespace�# 332 $ bobp.w/c�# 335 ' skip_pp.�# 337 ) push_mark.�# 338 $ up_1/.�# 340 = blooking_at_continuation_char.�# 342 ) go_down_1v/b/f�# 347 . bol_skip_white��# 348" 35� / looking_at_char.�# 350 * pop_mark_0u/c�# 353 * pop_mark_1/c��# 356" */� + blooking_at.�# 358 ) push_mark*�# 359 # ptp+" -2�# ptp.�# 360. # ptp" -2A/.�" //� % bfind/l/.�# 361 . parse_to_point�# ptp/f�# 363 # ptp! 0A.�# 366 * pop_mark_0u/c�# 369 # bol�# 370 $ bobp.�# 372 ' skip_pp�" 35� / looking_at_charC.�# 374 * pop_mark_0u/c/b�# 378 * pop_mark_1v/b��# 381" /*� ' bsearch.v/b/e�# 325y4 c_bskip_over_commen t,*�# 385 % token+*�# 387 # cse+ + CASE_SEARCH�# cse* # ret+! 0�# ret�# 388! 1�+ CASE_SEARCH��# 390 % token� * looking_at.�# 392 ) push_spot���# 393 % token� & strlen� ( go_right�# 394 * _get_point��# 395% :({� * skip_chars�# 396 * _get_point: $ eol pD�# ret�# 397 ( pop_spot/c�# 399 # cse�+ CASE_SEARCH�# 400 # ret�# 385�, c_looking_at,*�# 403 ! n+�# 405 # bol��# 407! � * skip_chars��# 408! � * skip_chars�# 410 + what_column ! nB�# 411 * _get_point * skip_white * _get_pointBD.�# 413 ( bol_trim�# 414�! n��# 415 ! n� * whitespace/c�# 403�+ c_indent_to,*�# 421 # col+�# 423 - push_spot_bol�# 425 $ trim�# 426 $ up_1.�# 428 ( pop_spotw/b��# 432" 35� 0 bol_bsearch_char.�# 434 ( pop_spotw/b�# 438 * go_right_1�# 439 * skip_white�# 440 + what_column�# co l��# 442" if� * looking_at.�# 443 3 C_Preprocess_Indent�# col/.��# 444" el� * looking_at.�# 445 3 C_Preprocess_Indent�# col/c/d�# 447 ( pop_spot�# 448 * go_right_1�# 449 * skip_white��# 452% error� * looking_at.��# 454# 101� / looking_at_char.�# 455 3 C_Preprocess_Indent�# col/c/b�# 458 + what_column # colA.w/c�# 460 + bskip_white�# 461 $ trim��# 462 # col! 2:� * whitespace�# 419�8 c_indent_preprocess_line,*�# 465 # col+�# 467 ) push_spot�# 468�# col��# 469 # col� + c_indent_to��# 471" 42� / lookin g_at_char�# 472 $ eolpND.�# 473 ( pop_spot/.��# 476" * � & insert�# 477 ( pop_spot�# 478 + what_column # col>.��# 480 # col! 29� + goto_column/c/d�# 465�: c_indent_continued_comment,*�# 502 # len+�# 504 ) push_spot�# 505 . bol_skip_white.�# 509 ( pop_s pot/o��# 513" /*� * looking_at�" //� * looking_atD.�# 514! 0w/c��# 517" <<� * looking_at�" >>� * looking_atD.�# 518! 0w/c�# 520 * _get_point�# len��# 521, -+*/!&<=>|?:� * skip_chars�# 522 * _get_point�# len�# 524 * _get_point�# 525 * skip_white�# 5 27 * _get_point: $ eolpD.�# 528�# len�# 529 # len" -2A # len" -3AD.�# 531 # lenw/c/c�# 535! 0w�# 500�2 c_outdent_operator,�# 540 ) push_mark�# 541 + bskip_white�# 542! 1�# 543 $ bolp.�# 545P�# 546 * skip_white�# 547! 0/c���# 549 ( pop_mark�# 538�8 c _mode_if_bol_skip_white,.�# 554 $ up_1/.�# 556 = blooking_at_continuation_char.�# 558 ) go_down_1v/b/f�# 562 # bol�# 552�7 continued_statement_bol,*�# 569 # bra $ name+�# 571 ) push_spot.�# 575 ( pop_spot/o��# 584 $ name� + bol_bsearch.�# 586 $ name% classB.! 0� $ name� + bol_bsearchA/7.�# 587! 0w/c/b��# 590 # bra� . goto_user_mark*�# 592 " re+�$+ \\c\\<%s\\> $ name� ' sprintf�" re.��# 593 " re� * re_bsearch/.�# 595 $ name% classA.��# 597# <� + bskip_chars��# 598( template� + blooking_at.��# 59 9! 8� ' go_left/c/c�# 602 + bskip_white�# 603 $ bolp�# 604! 0 . parse_to_pointAC.��# 606! {� ) c_fsearch.�# 607! 0w/b�# 609 # bra 0 create_user_markAw/c��# 612! 1� $ left.v/b/f�# 616! 0w�# 569�9 inside_class_or_namespace,�# 624 ) push_spot��# 625 ! 1� 4 c_bskip_over_comment*�# 626 # ret+ $ bobp�! ;� + blooking_atD�! }� + blooking_atD��# 627! {� + blooking_atD�# 626�# ret�# 628 ( pop_spot�# 629 # retw�# 622�2 between_statements,�# 634 ) push_spot.�# 637 ( pop_spot/o�# 640 . bol_skip_white�# 641 ! 0 2 between_statementsA.�# 642! 0w/c*�# 644 % label+ 2 extract_identifier�% label�# 646 % label A�# 647 % label' finallyA 3 cmode_is_slang_modeCD.�# 648! 0w/c�# 650 3 skip_all_whitespace�# 651! 0�" 58� / looking_at_charA.�# 652! 0w/c��# 653" : :� * looking_at.�# 654! 0w/c�# 655! 1w�# 632�2 is_label_statement,�# 664.�! ;� + blooking_at/�# 665.�! {� + blooking_at/�# 666.�! }� + blooking_at/�# 667. $ bobp/m.�# 668! 0w/c��# 670! :� + blooking_at.�# 672 ) push_spot�# 673 . bol_skip_white��# 674$ case� * looking_at. 2 is_label_statement/7.�# 676 ( pop_spot�# 677! 0w/c�# 679 ( pop_spot/c�# 682! 0�! ,� + blooking_atA.�# 683! 1w/c��# 687" ),� + blooking_at.! 1w/c��# 688" },� + blooking_at.! 0w/c�# 690! 1w�# 661�4 is_continuation_line,* �# 693 # set+�# 695 $ bobp.�# 696! 0w/c�# 698 ) go_left_1*�# 699 " ch+� ) what_char� $ char�" ch�# 700 * go_right_1��# 702 # set " ch� ) is_substrw�# 693�2 blooking_at_one_of,*�# 722 # val # col , extra_indent+! 0�, extra_indent*�# 723 + prep_indent+ ! 0�+ prep_indent* ) prep_line+! 0�) prep_line*�# 724 * match_char 3 match_indent_column * match_line / line_start_char+*�# 725 * match_mark+*�# 726 0 not_indenting_pp+! 1�0 not_indenting_pp*�# 727 / is_continuation+! 0�/ is_continuation*�# 728 ' conte xt+�# 730 ) push_spot�# 731 . bol_skip_white�# 732 ) what_char�/ line_start_char�# 733 . parse_to_point�' context�# 734" -2 ' contextA.�# 737! 0�# col��# 739$# \\*� * looking_at.�# 740" -1�# col/c��# 742" /*� ' bsearch.�# 743! 0�# col/b�# 744 + what_ column�# col�# 745 ( pop_spot��# 746 # col� : c_indent_continued_comment�# 747 8 c_mode_if_bol_skip_whitew/c�# 751 ' context" -1A.�# 755 ( pop_spotw/c.�# 761 ( bol_trim�# 762 ( pop_spot/o��# 765" 35� / looking_at_char.�# 767 8 c_indent_preprocess_linew/ c�# 771 ) push_spot*�# 772 > indenting_solitary_left_parens+! 0�> indenting_solitary_left_parens�# 773 / line_start_char" 40A.�# 775 * go_right_1�# 776 * skip_white��# 777" 92� / looking_at_char.�# 778 * go_right_1/c�# 779 $ eolp�> indenting_solitary_l eft_parens/c�# 782 $ up_1.�# 784 # eol�# 785 = blooking_at_continuation_char.�# 787 7 continued_statement_bol��# 788" 35� / looking_at_char.�# 790 ( pop_spotw/b�# 793 . C_Macro_Indent�+ prep_indent�# 794! 0�0 not_indenting_pp�# 795 ) what_line�) prep_li ne/c/c�# 799 ( pop_spot.�# 804 8 c_mode_if_bol_skip_white/o�# 809.�$ case� , c_looking_at/�# 810.�' default� , c_looking_at/�# 811.�) protected� , c_looking_at/�# 812.�' private� , c_looking_at/�# 813.�& public� , c_looking_at/m.��# 816" 58� * ffind _char.�# 818 ( C_INDENT�, extra_indent�# 819 . C_Colon_Offset�, extra_indent/c�# 821 # bol/.�# 823 2 is_label_statement.�# 825 8 C_Label_Indents_Relative.�# 827 ( C_INDENT�, extra_indent�# 828 . C_Label_Offset�, extra_indent/.��# 832 . C_Label_Offset� + c _indent_to�# 833 ( pop_spotw/d/..��# 841 0 not_indenting_pp� 4 c_bskip_over_comment�# 842 = blooking_at_continuation_char.�# 844 ) go_left_1u/c�# 849 4 is_continuation_line.�# 851 0 not_indenting_pp / is_continuationD.�# 853 > indenting_solitary_left_pare ns.�# 854 2 C_CONTINUED_OFFSET�, extra_indent/b/.�# 858 ) push_spot�# 859 . bol_skip_white��# 860" 35� / looking_at_char.�# 861 2 C_CONTINUED_OFFSET�, extra_indent/b�# 862 ( pop_spot/d�# 864�/ is_continuation/c��# 867! )� + blooking_at.v/b�# 870 ) push_ mark�# 871 ) go_left_1�# 872! 1�" 41� 7 find_matching_delimiterB.�# 874 * pop_mark_1v/c��# 877 0 not_indenting_pp� 4 c_bskip_over_comment��# 879! ;� + blooking_at.�# 881 * pop_mark_1v/c�# 884 ) push_spot�# 885! 1�" 41� 7 find_matching_delimiterA ( po p_spot.�# 887 * pop_mark_1v/c�# 891 * pop_mark_0�# 892 # bol�# 894 0 not_indenting_pp.��# 896" 35� / looking_at_char.v/c/b/e/d/d�# 902 0 not_indenting_ppN�" 35� / looking_at_charC.�# 903! 0�# val/.��# 905" 41� 7 find_matching_delimiter�# val/d�# 907 0 create_user_mark�* match_mark�# 908 ) what_char�* match_char�# 909 ) what_line�* match_line�# 910 + what_column�# col�# 912 # val! 0=�" /*� * looking_atC." -2�# val/.�# 913 # val! 1A.�# 915 / line_start_char" 41B.�# 917 * go_right_1�# 918 * skip_wh ite�# 919 $ eolp.�# 920�# col/.�# 922 + what_column�# col/d/c/c/d�# 926 . bol_skip_white�# 927 + what_column�3 match_indent_column�# 928 ) what_line ) prep_line=.�# 930! 0�* match_char/c�# 933 ( pop_spot*�# 935 + notCcomment+�# 938 # val! 0A.�# 940 ) pu sh_spot�# 941 . bol_skip_white�# 942 $ eolp.�# 944 ' go_up_1�# 945 . bol_skip_white�# 947 3 cmode_is_slang_mode.# %% �+ notCcomment/.�# 948# // �+ notCcomment/d��# 950 + notCcomment� * looking_at.�# 952" -3�# val�# 953 + what_column�# col/c/c�# 956 ( p op_spot/c�# 959 # val.�# 961! 0x3�# 962 * match_char# 123A.�# 964 ) push_spot��# 965 * match_mark� . goto_user_mark��# 968 0 not_indenting_pp� 4 c_bskip_over_comment��# 969! )� + blooking_at.*�# 971 ) same_line+ ) what_line * match_lineA�) same_line�# 973 ) go_left_1�# 974! 1�" 41� 7 find_matching_delimiterA.�# 976 . bol_skip_white�# 977 ) same_line.�# 978 + what_column�3 match_indent_column/c�# 980 / line_start_char# 125B��# 981& switch� * looking_atC.�# 982 / C_Switch_Offset�3 match_indent_column /c/c/.��# 985! =� + blooking_at.�# 987 / is_continuation.�# 988 2 C_CONTINUED_OFFSET�, extra_indent/c�# 989 / line_start_char# 123A.�# 990 ' C_BRACE�, extra_indent/c/.��# 992& struct� + blooking_at��# 993! (� + blooking_atD��# 994! [� + blooking_atD� �# 995$ enum� + blooking_atD�# 996 / line_start_char# 123BC.�# 998 / is_continuation.�# 999 2 C_CONTINUED_OFFSET�, extra_indent/c/c/d/d�$ 1002 ( pop_spot�$ 1003 3 match_indent_column�# col�$ 1005 / line_start_char# 125A.�$ 1006 ( C_INDENT�# col/.��$ 10 07 * match_mark% class� 9 inside_class_or_namespace.�$ 1009 . C_Class_Offset�# col/.��$ 1011 * match_mark) namespace� 9 inside_class_or_namespace.�$ 1013 2 C_Namespace_Offset�# col/.�$ 1017 3 match_indent_column! 1A.�$ 1018 4 C_Outer_Block_Offset�# col /c�$ 1019 ( C_INDENT�# col/d/d/d�$ 1021! 0�+ prep_indent/.�$ 1023 * match_char" 91A.�$ 1025 ) push_spot�$ 1026 / line_start_char" 93B.�$ 1027�# col/c��$ 1028 # col� + c_indent_to�$ 1029 ( pop_spotw/.�$ 1034 ) push_spot�$ 1035 . bol_skip_white��$ 1044# 123� / looking_at_char.�$ 1045! 0�, extra_indent/c�$ 1047 / is_continuation.�$ 1048 , extra_indent/. + prep_indent! 0A/6.*�$ 1050 # ops+0 +-/,=&|%^<>!~?.!�# ops��$ 1051 # ops! *9� ) what_char� $ char� ) is_substr.�$ 1053 ) push_spot��$ 1054! 1� 4 c_ bskip_over_comment��$ 10550 +-/,=&|%^<>!~?.!� 2 blooking_at_one_of.�$ 1056! 0�, extra_indent/b�$ 1057 ( pop_spot/b/c��$ 1061! 1 , extra_indent9 + prep_indent9� + c_indent_to�$ 1062 ( pop_spotw/d/d/.�$ 1067! 1x3�$ 1068! 0�, extra_indent�$ 1069! 0�+ p rep_indent�$ 1073 0 C_Bracket_Indent! 0?.�$ 1075 # col 3 match_indent_column! 19A.�$ 1077 0 C_Bracket_Indent ( C_INDENT?.�$ 1078 0 C_Bracket_Indent�, extra_indent/.�$ 1080 ( C_INDENT�, extra_indent/d�$ 1081�, extra_indent�$ 1084 , extra_indent! 3@.�$ 1 085 2 c_outdent_operator�, extra_indent/c/c/c�$ 1089 2 C_Param_Offset_Max! 0@.�$ 1090 # col 3 match_indent_column: 2 C_Param_Offset_Max?.�$ 1091 3 match_indent_column 2 C_Param_Offset_Max9 # col:�, extra_indent/c/c/.�$ 1094" -2x3�$ 1095 3 cmode_is_slang _mode.w/c�$ 1096 / line_start_char" 92B.�# col/c��$ 1097 # col� : c_indent_continued_commentw/.�$ 1101! 2x" -1xD3�$ 1102 - push_spot_bol�$ 1103 $ trim�$ 1104 ( pop_spotw/.�$ 1108" -3x3��$ 1109 + notCcomment� * looking_at $ eolpND.��$ 1111 # col� + got o_column�$ 1112 9 C_Autoinsert_CPP_Comments.� + notCcomment� & insert/c/bw/j�$ 1117 / line_start_char.�$ 1119# 125x3�$ 1120 ( C_INDENT�# col�$ 1121 0 not_indenting_pp. , extra_indent�# col/c/.�$ 1124# 123x3�$ 1125 ' C_BRACE�# col�$ 1126 / is_continuatio n.�$ 1127 2 C_CONTINUED_OFFSET�# col/c/j�$ 1129 , extra_indent�# col�$ 1131 ) push_spot��$ 1132 # col + prep_indent9� + c_indent_to�$ 1133 ( pop_spot�# 720y- c_indent_line,�$ 1142 ) push_spot�$ 1143 . bol_skip_white�$ 1144! 0��$ 1145$ * @ � * looking_a t.�$ 1147P�$ 1148 + what_column/c�$ 1150 ( pop_spot�$ 1140�4 c_is_comment_example,*�$ 1155 + notCcomment+" //�+ notCcomment�$ 1157 $ bolp.�$ 1159 ' newline�$ 1160 + indent_linew/c�$ 1164 3 cmode_is_slang_mode.*�$ 1166 % slcom+! %�% slcom�$ 1167 - push_ spot_bol��$ 1168 % slcom� * looking_at 9 C_Autoinsert_CPP_CommentsC.�$ 1170 ) push_mark��$ 1171" %!� * skip_chars�$ 1172 * skip_white�$ 1173 ) bufsubstr�% slcom�$ 1174 ( pop_spot�$ 1175 ' newline��$ 1176 % slcom� & insertw/c�$ 1179 ( pop_spot�$ 1180" %% �+ notCcomment/c*�$ 1183 # col+*�$ 1184 . notcomment_len+� + notCcomment� & strlen�. notcomment_len�$ 1186 9 C_Autoinsert_CPP_Comments.�$ 1188 + what_column�# col�$ 1189 - push_spot_bol��$ 1190 + notCcomment� * looking_at.�$ 1192 ) push_mark��$ 1193 . not comment_len� ( go_right�$ 1194 * skip_white�$ 1195 ) bufsubstr�+ notCcomment�$ 1196 ( pop_spot�$ 1197 ' newline�$ 1198 # col . notcomment_len?.� + notCcomment� & insert/cw/c�$ 1201 ( pop_spot/c�$ 1204 4 c_is_comment_example�# col�$ 1205 ' newline�$ 1206 # col.��$ 1208 # col� + c_indent_to��$ 1209$ * @ � & insert/.�$ 1211 + indent_line/d�$ 1153y4 c_newline_and_indent,�$ 1216 . parse_to_point 4 c_is_comment_exampleD�$ 1214�0 c_parse_to_point,�$ 1221 0 c_parse_to_point.��$ 1222# 123� + insert_char/.�$ 12 25 ) push_spot��$ 1226! 0� 4 c_bskip_over_comment��$ 1227! ,� + blooking_at ( pop_spot.��$ 1229# 123� + insert_char/.�$ 1233 ) push_spot�$ 1234 * skip_white�$ 1235 $ eolp.�$ 1237 + bskip_white�$ 1238 $ bolpN - C_BRA_NEWLINEC ( pop_spot. 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