Edit file File name : exec.h Content :/* Copyright (c) 2013-2014. The YARA Authors. All Rights Reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. 3. Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #ifndef YR_EXEC_H #define YR_EXEC_H #include <yara/hash.h> #include <yara/rules.h> #include <yara/scan.h> #include <yara/types.h> #define YR_UNDEFINED 0xFFFABADAFABADAFFLL #define IS_UNDEFINED(x) ((size_t)(x) == (size_t) YR_UNDEFINED) // Used to tell OP_OF and OP_OF_PERCENT what kind of set is being used. #define OF_STRING_SET 0 #define OF_RULE_SET 1 #define OP_ERROR 0 #define OP_HALT 255 #define OP_NOP 254 #define OP_AND 1 #define OP_OR 2 #define OP_NOT 3 #define OP_BITWISE_NOT 4 #define OP_BITWISE_AND 5 #define OP_BITWISE_OR 6 #define OP_BITWISE_XOR 7 #define OP_SHL 8 #define OP_SHR 9 #define OP_MOD 10 #define OP_INT_TO_DBL 11 #define OP_STR_TO_BOOL 12 #define OP_PUSH 13 #define OP_POP 14 #define OP_CALL 15 #define OP_OBJ_LOAD 16 #define OP_OBJ_VALUE 17 #define OP_OBJ_FIELD 18 #define OP_INDEX_ARRAY 19 #define OP_COUNT 20 #define OP_LENGTH 21 #define OP_FOUND 22 #define OP_FOUND_AT 23 #define OP_FOUND_IN 24 #define OP_OFFSET 25 #define OP_OF 26 #define OP_PUSH_RULE 27 #define OP_INIT_RULE 28 #define OP_MATCH_RULE 29 #define OP_INCR_M 30 #define OP_CLEAR_M 31 #define OP_ADD_M 32 #define OP_POP_M 33 #define OP_PUSH_M 34 #define OP_SET_M 35 #define OP_SWAPUNDEF 36 #define OP_FILESIZE 37 #define OP_ENTRYPOINT 38 #define OP_UNUSED 39 #define OP_MATCHES 40 #define OP_IMPORT 41 #define OP_LOOKUP_DICT 42 #define OP_JUNDEF 43 /* Not used */ #define OP_JUNDEF_P 44 #define OP_JNUNDEF 45 #define OP_JNUNDEF_P 46 /* Not used */ #define OP_JFALSE 47 #define OP_JFALSE_P 48 #define OP_JTRUE 49 #define OP_JTRUE_P 50 #define OP_JL_P 51 #define OP_JLE_P 52 #define OP_ITER_NEXT 53 #define OP_ITER_START_ARRAY 54 #define OP_ITER_START_DICT 55 #define OP_ITER_START_INT_RANGE 56 #define OP_ITER_START_INT_ENUM 57 #define OP_ITER_START_STRING_SET 58 #define OP_ITER_CONDITION 59 #define OP_ITER_END 60 #define OP_JZ 61 #define OP_JZ_P 62 #define OP_PUSH_8 63 #define OP_PUSH_16 64 #define OP_PUSH_32 65 #define OP_PUSH_U 66 #define OP_CONTAINS 67 #define OP_STARTSWITH 68 #define OP_ENDSWITH 69 #define OP_ICONTAINS 70 #define OP_ISTARTSWITH 71 #define OP_IENDSWITH 72 #define OP_IEQUALS 73 #define OP_OF_PERCENT 74 #define OP_OF_FOUND_IN 75 #define OP_COUNT_IN 76 #define OP_DEFINED 77 #define OP_ITER_START_TEXT_STRING_SET 78 #define OP_OF_FOUND_AT 79 #define _OP_EQ 0 #define _OP_NEQ 1 #define _OP_LT 2 #define _OP_GT 3 #define _OP_LE 4 #define _OP_GE 5 #define _OP_ADD 6 #define _OP_SUB 7 #define _OP_MUL 8 #define _OP_DIV 9 #define _OP_MINUS 10 #define OP_INT_BEGIN 100 #define OP_INT_EQ (OP_INT_BEGIN + _OP_EQ) #define OP_INT_NEQ (OP_INT_BEGIN + _OP_NEQ) #define OP_INT_LT (OP_INT_BEGIN + _OP_LT) #define OP_INT_GT (OP_INT_BEGIN + _OP_GT) #define OP_INT_LE (OP_INT_BEGIN + _OP_LE) #define OP_INT_GE (OP_INT_BEGIN + _OP_GE) #define OP_INT_ADD (OP_INT_BEGIN + _OP_ADD) #define OP_INT_SUB (OP_INT_BEGIN + _OP_SUB) #define OP_INT_MUL (OP_INT_BEGIN + _OP_MUL) #define OP_INT_DIV (OP_INT_BEGIN + _OP_DIV) #define OP_INT_MINUS (OP_INT_BEGIN + _OP_MINUS) #define OP_INT_END OP_INT_MINUS #define OP_DBL_BEGIN 120 #define OP_DBL_EQ (OP_DBL_BEGIN + _OP_EQ) #define OP_DBL_NEQ (OP_DBL_BEGIN + _OP_NEQ) #define OP_DBL_LT (OP_DBL_BEGIN + _OP_LT) #define OP_DBL_GT (OP_DBL_BEGIN + _OP_GT) #define OP_DBL_LE (OP_DBL_BEGIN + _OP_LE) #define OP_DBL_GE (OP_DBL_BEGIN + _OP_GE) #define OP_DBL_ADD (OP_DBL_BEGIN + _OP_ADD) #define OP_DBL_SUB (OP_DBL_BEGIN + _OP_SUB) #define OP_DBL_MUL (OP_DBL_BEGIN + _OP_MUL) #define OP_DBL_DIV (OP_DBL_BEGIN + _OP_DIV) #define OP_DBL_MINUS (OP_DBL_BEGIN + _OP_MINUS) #define OP_DBL_END OP_DBL_MINUS #define OP_STR_BEGIN 140 #define OP_STR_EQ (OP_STR_BEGIN + _OP_EQ) #define OP_STR_NEQ (OP_STR_BEGIN + _OP_NEQ) #define OP_STR_LT (OP_STR_BEGIN + _OP_LT) #define OP_STR_GT (OP_STR_BEGIN + _OP_GT) #define OP_STR_LE (OP_STR_BEGIN + _OP_LE) #define OP_STR_GE (OP_STR_BEGIN + _OP_GE) #define OP_STR_END OP_STR_GE #define IS_INT_OP(x) ((x) >= OP_INT_BEGIN && (x) <= OP_INT_END) #define IS_DBL_OP(x) ((x) >= OP_DBL_BEGIN && (x) <= OP_DBL_END) #define IS_STR_OP(x) ((x) >= OP_STR_BEGIN && (x) <= OP_STR_END) #define OP_READ_INT 240 #define OP_INT8 (OP_READ_INT + 0) #define OP_INT16 (OP_READ_INT + 1) #define OP_INT32 (OP_READ_INT + 2) #define OP_UINT8 (OP_READ_INT + 3) #define OP_UINT16 (OP_READ_INT + 4) #define OP_UINT32 (OP_READ_INT + 5) #define OP_INT8BE (OP_READ_INT + 6) #define OP_INT16BE (OP_READ_INT + 7) #define OP_INT32BE (OP_READ_INT + 8) #define OP_UINT8BE (OP_READ_INT + 9) #define OP_UINT16BE (OP_READ_INT + 10) #define OP_UINT32BE (OP_READ_INT + 11) #define OPERATION(operator, op1, op2) \ (IS_UNDEFINED(op1) || IS_UNDEFINED(op2)) ? (YR_UNDEFINED) : (op1 operator op2) #define COMPARISON(operator, op1, op2) \ (IS_UNDEFINED(op1) || IS_UNDEFINED(op2)) ? (0) : (op1 operator op2) int yr_execute_code(YR_SCAN_CONTEXT* context); #endif Save