View file File name : Content :package Types::TypeTiny; use strict; use warnings; our $AUTHORITY = 'cpan:TOBYINK'; our $VERSION = '1.008001'; $VERSION =~ tr/_//d; use Scalar::Util qw< blessed refaddr weaken >; our @EXPORT_OK = ( map(@{[ $_, "is_$_", "assert_$_" ]}, __PACKAGE__->type_names), qw/to_TypeTiny/ ); our %EXPORT_TAGS = ( types => [ __PACKAGE__->type_names ], is => [ map "is_$_", __PACKAGE__->type_names ], assert => [ map "assert_$_", __PACKAGE__->type_names ], ); my %cache; # This `import` method is designed to avoid loading Exporter::Tiny. # This is so that if you stick to only using the purely OO parts of # Type::Tiny, you can skip loading the exporter. # sub import { # If this sub succeeds, it will replace itself. # uncoverable subroutine return unless @_ > 1; # uncoverable statement no warnings "redefine"; # uncoverable statement our @ISA = qw( Exporter::Tiny ); # uncoverable statement require Exporter::Tiny; # uncoverable statement my $next = \&Exporter::Tiny::import; # uncoverable statement *import = $next; # uncoverable statement my $class = shift; # uncoverable statement my $opts = { ref($_[0]) ? %{+shift} : () }; # uncoverable statement $opts->{into} ||= scalar(caller); # uncoverable statement return $class->$next($opts, @_); # uncoverable statement } for (__PACKAGE__->type_names) { eval qq{ sub is_$_ { $_()->check(shift) } sub assert_$_ { $_()->assert_return(shift) } }; } sub meta { return $_[0]; } sub type_names { qw( CodeLike StringLike TypeTiny HashLike ArrayLike _ForeignTypeConstraint ); } sub has_type { my %has = map +($_ => 1), shift->type_names; !!$has{ $_[0] }; } sub get_type { my $self = shift; return unless $self->has_type(@_); no strict qw(refs); &{$_[0]}(); } sub coercion_names { qw(); } sub has_coercion { my %has = map +($_ => 1), shift->coercion_names; !!$has{ $_[0] }; } sub get_coercion { my $self = shift; return unless $self->has_coercion(@_); no strict qw(refs); &{$_[0]}(); # uncoverable statement } my ($__get_linear_isa_dfs, $tried_mro); $__get_linear_isa_dfs = sub { if (!$tried_mro && eval { require mro }) { $__get_linear_isa_dfs = \&mro::get_linear_isa; goto $__get_linear_isa_dfs; } no strict 'refs'; my $classname = shift; my @lin = ($classname); my %stored; foreach my $parent (@{"$classname\::ISA"}) { my $plin = $__get_linear_isa_dfs->($parent); foreach (@$plin) { next if exists $stored{$_}; push(@lin, $_); $stored{$_} = 1; } } return \@lin; }; sub _check_overload { my $package = shift; if (ref $package) { $package = blessed($package); return !!0 if !defined $package; } my $op = shift; my $mro = $__get_linear_isa_dfs->($package); foreach my $p (@$mro) { my $fqmeth = $p . q{::(} . $op; return !!1 if defined &{$fqmeth}; } !!0; } sub _get_check_overload_sub { if ($Type::Tiny::AvoidCallbacks) { return '(sub { require overload; overload::Overloaded(ref $_[0] or $_[0]) and overload::Method((ref $_[0] or $_[0]), $_[1]) })->' } return 'Types::TypeTiny::_check_overload'; } sub StringLike () { require Type::Tiny; $cache{StringLike} ||= "Type::Tiny"->new( name => "StringLike", constraint => sub { defined($_ ) && !ref($_ ) or Scalar::Util::blessed($_ ) && Types::TypeTiny::_check_overload($_ , q[""]) }, inlined => sub { qq/defined($_[1]) && !ref($_[1]) or Scalar::Util::blessed($_[1]) && ${\ +_get_check_overload_sub() }($_[1], q[""])/ }, library => __PACKAGE__, ); } sub HashLike () { require Type::Tiny; $cache{HashLike} ||= "Type::Tiny"->new( name => "HashLike", constraint => sub { ref($_ ) eq q[HASH] or Scalar::Util::blessed($_ ) && Types::TypeTiny::_check_overload($_ , q[%{}]) }, inlined => sub { qq/ref($_[1]) eq q[HASH] or Scalar::Util::blessed($_[1]) && ${\ +_get_check_overload_sub() }($_[1], q[\%{}])/ }, library => __PACKAGE__, ); } sub ArrayLike () { require Type::Tiny; $cache{ArrayLike} ||= "Type::Tiny"->new( name => "ArrayLike", constraint => sub { ref($_ ) eq q[ARRAY] or Scalar::Util::blessed($_ ) && Types::TypeTiny::_check_overload($_ , q[@{}]) }, inlined => sub { qq/ref($_[1]) eq q[ARRAY] or Scalar::Util::blessed($_[1]) && ${\ +_get_check_overload_sub() }($_[1], q[\@{}])/ }, library => __PACKAGE__, ); } sub CodeLike () { require Type::Tiny; $cache{CodeLike} ||= "Type::Tiny"->new( name => "CodeLike", constraint => sub { ref($_ ) eq q[CODE] or Scalar::Util::blessed($_ ) && Types::TypeTiny::_check_overload($_ , q[&{}]) }, inlined => sub { qq/ref($_[1]) eq q[CODE] or Scalar::Util::blessed($_[1]) && ${\ +_get_check_overload_sub() }($_[1], q[\&{}])/ }, library => __PACKAGE__, ); } sub TypeTiny () { require Type::Tiny; $cache{TypeTiny} ||= "Type::Tiny"->new( name => "TypeTiny", constraint => sub { Scalar::Util::blessed($_ ) && $_ ->isa(q[Type::Tiny]) }, inlined => sub { my $var = $_[1]; "Scalar::Util::blessed($var) && $var\->isa(q[Type::Tiny])" }, library => __PACKAGE__, _build_coercion => sub { my $c = shift; $c->add_type_coercions(_ForeignTypeConstraint(), \&to_TypeTiny); $c->freeze; }, ); } sub _ForeignTypeConstraint () { require Type::Tiny; $cache{_ForeignTypeConstraint} ||= "Type::Tiny"->new( name => "_ForeignTypeConstraint", constraint => \&_is_ForeignTypeConstraint, inlined => sub { qq/ref($_[1]) && do { require Types::TypeTiny; Types::TypeTiny::_is_ForeignTypeConstraint($_[1]) }/ }, library => __PACKAGE__, ); } my %ttt_cache; sub _is_ForeignTypeConstraint { my $t = @_ ? $_[0] : $_; return !!1 if ref $t eq 'CODE'; if (my $class = blessed $t) { return !!0 if $class->isa("Type::Tiny"); return !!1 if $class->isa("Moose::Meta::TypeConstraint"); return !!1 if $class->isa("MooseX::Types::TypeDecorator"); return !!1 if $class->isa("Validation::Class::Simple"); return !!1 if $class->isa("Validation::Class"); return !!1 if $t->can("check") && $t->can("get_message"); } !!0; } sub to_TypeTiny { my $t = @_ ? $_[0] : $_; return $t unless (my $ref = ref $t); return $t if $ref =~ /^Type::Tiny\b/; return $ttt_cache{ refaddr($t) } if $ttt_cache{ refaddr($t) }; if (my $class = blessed $t) { return $t if $class->isa("Type::Tiny"); return _TypeTinyFromMoose($t) if $class eq "MooseX::Types::TypeDecorator"; # needed before MooseX::Types 0.35. return _TypeTinyFromMoose($t) if $class->isa("Moose::Meta::TypeConstraint"); return _TypeTinyFromMoose($t) if $class->isa("MooseX::Types::TypeDecorator"); return _TypeTinyFromMouse($t) if $class->isa("Mouse::Meta::TypeConstraint"); return _TypeTinyFromValidationClass($t) if $class->isa("Validation::Class::Simple"); return _TypeTinyFromValidationClass($t) if $class->isa("Validation::Class"); return _TypeTinyFromGeneric($t) if $t->can("check") && $t->can("get_message"); # i.e. Type::API::Constraint } return _TypeTinyFromCodeRef($t) if $ref eq q(CODE); $t; } sub _TypeTinyFromMoose { my $t = $_[0]; if (ref $t->{"Types::TypeTiny::to_TypeTiny"}) { return $t->{"Types::TypeTiny::to_TypeTiny"}; } if ($t->name ne '__ANON__') { require Types::Standard; my $ts = 'Types::Standard'->get_type($t->name); return $ts if $ts->{_is_core}; } my %opts; $opts{display_name} = $t->name; $opts{constraint} = $t->constraint; $opts{parent} = to_TypeTiny($t->parent) if $t->has_parent; $opts{inlined} = sub { shift; $t->_inline_check(@_) } if $t->can("can_be_inlined") && $t->can_be_inlined; $opts{message} = sub { $t->get_message($_) } if $t->has_message; $opts{moose_type} = $t; if ($t->can('parameterize')) { $opts{constraint_generator} = sub { # convert args into Moose native types; not strictly necessary my @args = map { TypeTiny->check($_) ? $_->moose_type : $_ } @_; my $paramd = $t->parameterize(@args); _TypeTinyFromMoose($paramd); }; } require Type::Tiny; my $new = 'Type::Tiny'->new(%opts); $ttt_cache{ refaddr($t) } = $new; weaken($ttt_cache{ refaddr($t) }); $new->{coercion} = do { require Type::Coercion::FromMoose; 'Type::Coercion::FromMoose'->new( type_constraint => $new, moose_coercion => $t->coercion, ); } if $t->has_coercion; return $new; } sub _TypeTinyFromValidationClass { my $t = $_[0]; require Type::Tiny; require Types::Standard; my %opts = ( parent => Types::Standard::HashRef(), _validation_class => $t, ); if ($t->VERSION >= "7.900048") { $opts{constraint} = sub { $t->params->clear; $t->params->add(%$_); my $f = $t->filtering; $t->filtering('off'); my $r = eval { $t->validate }; $t->filtering($f || 'pre'); return $r; }; $opts{message} = sub { $t->params->clear; $t->params->add(%$_); my $f = $t->filtering; $t->filtering('off'); my $r = (eval { $t->validate } ? "OK" : $t->errors_to_string); $t->filtering($f || 'pre'); return $r; }; } else # need to use hackish method { $opts{constraint} = sub { $t->params->clear; $t->params->add(%$_); no warnings "redefine"; local *Validation::Class::Directive::Filters::execute_filtering = sub { $_[0] }; eval { $t->validate }; }; $opts{message} = sub { $t->params->clear; $t->params->add(%$_); no warnings "redefine"; local *Validation::Class::Directive::Filters::execute_filtering = sub { $_[0] }; eval { $t->validate } ? "OK" : $t->errors_to_string; }; } require Type::Tiny; my $new = "Type::Tiny"->new(%opts); $new->coercion->add_type_coercions( Types::Standard::HashRef() => sub { my %params = %$_; for my $k (keys %params) { delete $params{$_} unless $t->get_fields($k) }; $t->params->clear; $t->params->add(%params); eval { $t->validate }; $t->get_hash; }, ); $ttt_cache{ refaddr($t) } = $new; weaken($ttt_cache{ refaddr($t) }); return $new; } sub _TypeTinyFromGeneric { my $t = $_[0]; my %opts = ( constraint => sub { $t->check(@_ ? @_ : $_) }, message => sub { $t->get_message(@_ ? @_ : $_) }, ); $opts{display_name} = $t->name if $t->can("name"); $opts{coercion} = sub { $t->coerce(@_ ? @_ : $_) } if $t->can("has_coercion") && $t->has_coercion && $t->can("coerce"); if ($t->can('can_be_inlined') && $t->can_be_inlined && $t->can('inline_check')) { $opts{inlined} = sub { $t->inline_check($_[1]) }; } require Type::Tiny; my $new = "Type::Tiny"->new(%opts); $ttt_cache{ refaddr($t) } = $new; weaken($ttt_cache{ refaddr($t) }); return $new; } sub _TypeTinyFromMouse { my $t = $_[0]; my %opts = ( constraint => sub { $t->check(@_ ? @_ : $_) }, message => sub { $t->get_message(@_ ? @_ : $_) }, ); $opts{display_name} = $t->name if $t->can("name"); $opts{coercion} = sub { $t->coerce(@_ ? @_ : $_) } if $t->can("has_coercion") && $t->has_coercion && $t->can("coerce"); if ($t->{'constraint_generator'}) { $opts{constraint_generator} = sub { # convert args into Moose native types; not strictly necessary my @args = map { TypeTiny->check($_) ? $_->mouse_type : $_ } @_; my $paramd = $t->parameterize(@args); _TypeTinyFromMouse($paramd); }; } require Type::Tiny; my $new = "Type::Tiny"->new(%opts); $ttt_cache{ refaddr($t) } = $new; weaken($ttt_cache{ refaddr($t) }); return $new; } my $QFS; sub _TypeTinyFromCodeRef { my $t = $_[0]; my %opts = ( constraint => sub { return !!eval { $t->($_) }; }, message => sub { local $@; eval { $t->($_); 1 } or do { chomp $@; return $@ if $@ }; return sprintf('%s did not pass type constraint', Type::Tiny::_dd($_)); }, ); if ($QFS ||= "Sub::Quote"->can("quoted_from_sub")) { my (undef, $perlstring, $captures) = @{ $QFS->($t) || [] }; if ($perlstring) { $perlstring = "!!eval{ $perlstring }"; $opts{inlined} = sub { my $var = $_[1]; Sub::Quote::inlinify( $perlstring, $var, $var eq q($_) ? '' : "local \$_ = $var;", 1, ); } if $perlstring && !$captures; } } require Type::Tiny; my $new = "Type::Tiny"->new(%opts); $ttt_cache{ refaddr($t) } = $new; weaken($ttt_cache{ refaddr($t) }); return $new; } 1; __END__ =pod =encoding utf-8 =for stopwords arrayfication hashification =head1 NAME Types::TypeTiny - type constraints used internally by Type::Tiny =head1 STATUS This module is covered by the L<Type-Tiny stability policy|Type::Tiny::Manual::Policies/"STABILITY">. =head1 DESCRIPTION Dogfooding. This isn't a real Type::Library-based type library; that would involve too much circularity. But it exports some type constraints which, while designed for use within Type::Tiny, may be more generally useful. =head2 Types =over =item C<< StringLike >> Accepts strings and objects overloading stringification. =item C<< HashLike >> Accepts hashrefs and objects overloading hashification. =item C<< ArrayLike >> Accepts arrayrefs and objects overloading arrayfication. =item C<< CodeLike >> Accepts coderefs and objects overloading codification. =item C<< TypeTiny >> Accepts blessed L<Type::Tiny> objects. =item C<< _ForeignTypeConstraint >> Any reference which to_TypeTiny recognizes as something that can be coerced to a Type::Tiny object. Yeah, the underscore is included. =back =head2 Coercion Functions =over =item C<< to_TypeTiny($constraint) >> Promotes (or "demotes" if you prefer) a Moose::Meta::TypeConstraint object to a Type::Tiny object. Can also handle L<Validation::Class> objects. Type constraints built from Validation::Class objects deliberately I<ignore> field filters when they do constraint checking (and go to great lengths to do so); using filters for coercion only. (The behaviour of C<coerce> if we don't do that is just too weird!) Can also handle any object providing C<check> and C<get_message> methods. (This includes L<Mouse::Meta::TypeConstraint> objects.) If the object also provides C<has_coercion> and C<coerce> methods, these will be used too. Can also handle coderefs (but not blessed coderefs or objects overloading C<< &{} >>). Coderefs are expected to return true iff C<< $_ >> passes the constraint. If C<< $_ >> fails the type constraint, they may either return false, or die with a helpful error message. =back =head2 Methods These are implemented so that C<< Types::TypeTiny->meta->get_type($foo) >> works, for rough compatibility with a real L<Type::Library> type library. =over =item C<< meta >> =item C<< type_names >> =item C<< get_type($name) >> =item C<< has_type($name) >> =item C<< coercion_names >> =item C<< get_coercion($name) >> =item C<< has_coercion($name) >> =back =head1 BUGS Please report any bugs to L<>. =head1 SEE ALSO L<Type::Tiny>. =head1 AUTHOR Toby Inkster E<lt>tobyink@cpan.orgE<gt>. =head1 COPYRIGHT AND LICENCE This software is copyright (c) 2013-2014, 2017-2019 by Toby Inkster. This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself. =head1 DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTIES THIS PACKAGE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND WITHOUT ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTIBILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.