View file File name : Content :% Copyright (C) 2012-2017,2018 John E. Davis % % This file is part of the S-Lang Library and may be distributed under the % terms of the GNU General Public License. See the file COPYING for % more information. %--------------------------------------------------------------------------- define reverse (a) { #ifexists array_reverse a = @a; array_reverse (a); return a; #else variable i = length (a); if (i <= 1) return a; i--; __tmp(a)[[i:0:-1]]; #endif } define shift (x, n) { variable len = length(x); ifnot (len) return x; % allow n to be negative and large n = len + n mod len; return x[[n:n+len-1] mod len]; } % This routine rearranges an array according to a permutation. It % modifies the indices of the permutation array while running, but % preserves it upon return. This code is based upon % <>. define rearrange (a, indices) { variable i, j, n = length (indices); if (__is_same (a, indices)) throw InvalidParmError, "The array to be rearranged must not be the same as the permutation."; % Check the permutation and make it 1-based _for i (0, n-1, 1) { j = indices[i]; if (j < 0) j = -(j+1); if ((0 <= j < n) && (indices[j] >= 0)) indices[j] = -indices[j]-1; else throw InvalidParmError, "Invalid permutation."; } _for i (0, n-1, 1) { if (indices[i] >= 0) continue; j = i; variable j0 = j; variable tmp = a[j0]; variable indices_j = indices[j]; forever { j0 = j; j = -indices_j-1; % back to 0-based indices[j0] = j; indices_j = indices[j]; if (indices_j >= 0) break; a[j0] = a[j]; } a[j0] = tmp; } } $1 = path_concat (path_dirname (__FILE__), "help/arrayfuns.hlp"); if (NULL != stat_file ($1)) add_doc_file ($1); provide ("arrayfuns");