View file File name : jedusage.slc Content :.#,*�! 1 ! x+��! 3 & stdout$$ %s\n ! x� ' fprintfP�! 1�! p��! 60 Jed usage forms:� ! p��! 7 � ! p��! 8< 0. jed [--version | --help]� ! p��! 9$\ 1. jed [--batch] [-n] [-e emulation] [-a alt-jedrc-file] \\� ! p��" 10$M [file ...] \\ % edit files� ! p��" 11$L [-g linenumber] \\ % goto line� ! p��" 12$R [-s search-string] \\ % performa search� ! p��" 13$R [-l file-to-load] \\ % load slang file� ! p��" 14$S [-f function] \\ % execut e function� ! p��" 15$N [-i file-to-insert] \\ % insert file� ! p��" 16$O [-2] \\ % split window� ! p��" 17$W [-tmp] \\ % do not backup buffer� ! p��" 18$j [-hook funct (argv)] \\ % exec f unct with rest of argv parameters� ! p��" 19` [--ANYTHING] % execute ANYTHING as a function� ! p��" 20 � ! p��" 21> 2. jed -script FILE [arg ...]� ! p��" 22 � ! p��" 23= 3. jed-script FILE [arg ...]� ! p��" 24_ This fo rm sets __argv[0] to FILE, __argv[1] to arg, ...� ! p��" 25 � ! p�" 26 ( quit_jed