View file File name : Content :%!%+ %\function{make_tmp_file} %\synopsis{make_tmp_file} %\usage{String make_tmp_file (String base);} %\description % This function returns a unique file name that begins with \var{base}. % If \exmp{base} does not specify an absolute path, the value of % \svar{Jed_Tmp_Directory} will be used for the directory. %!%- define make_tmp_file (base) { if ((Jed_Tmp_Directory != NULL) and (path_is_absolute (base) == 0)) base = path_concat (Jed_Tmp_Directory, base); base = path_sans_extname (base); () = random (-1, 0); variable pid = getpid (); loop (1000) { variable file = sprintf ("%s%d.%d", base, random (0, 0x7FFF), pid); !if (file_status(file)) return (file); } error ("Unable to create a tmp file!"); } %}}} %!%+ %\function{open_unique_filename} %\synopsis{Generate and unique filename and open the file} %\usage{structure = open_unique_filename (base, extname)} %\description % This function generates a unique filename of the form % \exmp{baseXXXXXX.extname} and returns a structure with fields %#v+ % filename : The name of the file % fd : The FD_Type file descriptor % fp : The FP_Type file pointer %#v- % If \exmp{base} represents an absolute path, then the file % will be opened in the correspondind directory. Otherwise the value % of the \svar{Jed_Tmp_Directory} variable will be used. % % If this function fails, an exception will be thrown. %\notes % The value of the \exmp{fp} structure field is generated from the % value of the \exmp{fd} field using the \ifun{fdopen} function. See the % documentation of the \ifun{fdopen} function for the relationship of % these two types and their semantics. %\seealso{fdopen} %!%- define open_unique_filename (base, ext) { if ((Jed_Tmp_Directory != NULL) && (0 == path_is_absolute (base))) base = path_concat (Jed_Tmp_Directory, base); variable dir = path_dirname (base); if ((dir != ".") && (2 != file_status (dir))) throw IOError, "tmpfile directory $dir does not exist"$; () = random (-1, 0); variable fmt = "%s%X%s"; if (ext == NULL) ext = ""; else if (ext[0] != '.') ext = "." + ext; variable flags = O_RDWR|O_CREAT|O_EXCL; variable mode = S_IRUSR|S_IWUSR; loop (5000) { variable err; variable file = sprintf (fmt, base, random (0, 0x7FFFFFFF), ext); variable fd = open (file, flags, mode); if (fd != NULL) { variable fp = fdopen (fd, "r+"); if (fp == NULL) { err = errno_string (); () = close (fd); () = remove (file); throw IOError, "fdopen failed: $err"$; } return struct { file = file, fp = fp, fd = fd }; } if ((errno != EEXIST) && (errno != EINTR)) { err = errno_string (); throw IOError, "open failed: $err"$; } } throw IOError, "Unable to open a unique file"; }