mr guy relaunch chicken fight

Mr. Guy Is Back and Undead-er than Ever!

mr guy relaunch chicken fight

Yeah, yeah, we know Mr. Guy is a zombie hunter. Not a zombie. But, look, we’ve reanimated the corpse of the campaign to fund Act 1 of his story, along with the Origins Anthology! And that means he’s kind of undead, too. Right?

Sweet Heckin’ Rewards

Anyway, the point is this: The campaign to fund Mr. Guy and the Origins Anthology is back from the dead! We just relaunched it on Kickstarter—smarter, sleeker, and with all the unholy strength of a walking cadaver! So hurry to Kickstarter to get in on sweet heckin’ 1st-day deals!

If you’re one of the first five backers, you’ll get a one-of-a-kind zombie from Jayel Draco to take home and love!

one-of-a-kind zombie designed by jayel draco

And every single 1st-day backer will get a download of Grivante’s zom-com novel, Zee Brothers: Zombie Exterminators!

zee brothers: zombie exterminators by grivante

But that’s not all! When you support the Kickstarter, you’ll be helping us carry out our diabolical, demented, delicious plan to take over the world! Or, you know, succeed in reaching our goal. Whichever!

Here’s Our Undead Plan!

If we can smash past our $5K goal in the first 24 hours of the campaign, we’ll have a great chance of reaching our first stretch goal—printing the Origins Anthology, too! That would mean that all of our backers will get 120 pages of amazing indie comics shorts from diverse creators all over the world. Yep, you heard us—all of our backers!

And the stretch goals coming after that? Even better! We want to make a whole new zombie short comic, release the Mr. Guy theme song by David Gueringer, and so much more!

So, hey! Get over here and help us reach our goal! Every pledge, no matter how small, helps us enormously! So do social media shares, comments, and likes! Every little bit means the world to us, and to the 30-plus other creators whose work we’re funding!

Don’t miss out on other exciting Mr. Guy news! Join the mailing list and never miss a ding-dang thing-thang!

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