
🌟The Mr. Guy Team celebrates diversity & talent!🌟

As you delve into the world of Dearth, where the extraordinary meets the undead, keep in mind that Mr. Guy, our dashing gentle-goblin hero, wouldn’t be the same without the eclectic crew that brought him to life (after-life?). These folks have infused our pages with magic, humor, and heart. 

So, as you flip through the comic, take a moment to appreciate the brilliance of our contributors, who keep the gears turning as they breathe life into every panel. They’re the reason Mr. Guy leaps off the page, brandishing his zombie-slaying hardware with flair!

Thank you for joining us on this wild ride. Buckle up, because the Mr. Guy universe is about to sweep you off your feet! 🚀

Our Team of Champions:

‘Skooba’ Steve Myers

‘Skooba’ Steve Myers

Pencils and Inks for Castle BigMart

Adrian King

Adrian King

PR for Mr. Guy. VO for Handsome Farmer Curtis

Angela Oddling - Zombie Biographical Picture Zom-Bio-Pic

Angela Oddling

Illustrator for Mr. Guy 2 Intro

C.R. Florence

C.R. Florence

Illustrator of Mr. Guy 3, Arc 11

Caleb Palmquist

Caleb Palmquist

ZAP development collaborator

Mr. Guy letterer, Cardinal Rae, Zombified Bio Pic

Cardinal Rae

Letterer for Mr. Guy 1 & 2

Daniel Hooker

Daniel Hooker

Illustrator of Mr. Guy 2, Arc 6

David Gueringer

David Gueringer

Composer for the ZAP & the Mr. Guy Theme Songs

Mr. Guy illustrator, Diana Camero's zombified bio pic

Diana Camero

Illustrator for Mr. Guy 1, Act 3

Enikő Bányász

Enikő Bányász

Illustrator for Mr. Guy Act 3 Intro & Outro

Erin Shadowind Cooper

Erin Shadowind Cooper

Illustrator of Mr. Guy 3, Arc 9

Henry Jerome

Henry Jerome

Colorist on Arc 11 & 12

MNr. Guy Illustrator, Jacey Chase's zombified bio pic

Jacey Chase

Illustrator for Mr. Guy 1, Arc 4

James Groeling

James Groeling

Illustrator of Mr. Guy 2, Arc 5

Jayel Draco

Jayel Draco

Publisher, Creator, Writer, Designer, and Lead Illustrator for Mr. Guy

Joey Galvez

Joey Galvez

Marketing & PR for Mr. Guy 2

Ludwig Olimba

Ludwig Olimba

Flatter for Mr. Guy 1 & 2

Mr. Guy editor and publisher, Lynsey g's zombified bio pic

Lynsey G

Publisher, and Editor for Mr. Guy

Max Simbron

Max Simbron

Production Liaison

Michel Abstracto

Michel Abstracto

Illustrator of Mr. Guy 2, Arc 7, and The Aspicdemic

Nikki Powers

Nikki Powers

Letterer for Mr. Guy 3

Mr. Guy Illustrator, Sonne's zombified bio pic


Cover illustrator for Mr. Guy 1

Mr. Guy Zombie Hunter, Artist Zombie bio pic for Sophia Murphy

Sophia Murphy

Guest Artist for Mr. Guy 1



Cover illustrator for Mr. Guy 2

Tess Langston

Tess Langston

Co-Writer & Illustrator of The Cheese Caves.

Viet Huynh

Viet Huynh

Custom Toy Maker

Mr Guy Illustrator, Walter Ostlie's zombified bio pic

Walter Ostlie

Illustrator of Mr. Guy 1, Arc 2.

Whitney Cook

Whitney Cook

Colorist for Castle BigMart

Wren Rios

Wren Rios

Illustrator of Mr. Guy 2, Arc 8

Our Heroic Kickstarter Backers:

Without these noble individuals, who apparently love heckin’ sweet comics, Mr. Guy: Zombie Hunter would still just be a weird glint in our eyes. Thanks to everyone who supported these comics!

Mr. Guy Act 3 – Kickstarter Credits:

No Reward

Geoff, yukidogzombie

Digital: Act 3

Brandon Eaker, Clay Adams, Craig Hackl, David A Byrne, Elizabeth N., EvulOne, Frontier Forever, Funny Figs, Gary Phillips, Gerald Von Stoddard, GMarkC, JHMcKeen, John MacLeod, John O’Hare, JuanR, krinsky, Kristian Horn, Matthias, Nie, raven, Robert A Multari, Sarah Swanson, Stephen Martin, T.J. Wiley, Travis Gibb, Will Allred

Digital: Catchup (1-3)

Alisha Broxton, Ariane Beauparlant, Brandon Sie, Brighton Tellefsen, Brooks Moses, Bruno Catarino, Craig A. Taillefer, Dead Fish Books, John Winckler, Josh PapaGorgio Figueroa, KenManPhilly, Loren N, Sonse Cahuni, Steven Byrd, Susan Wilson, TTV Nanogoblin

EARLY-BIRD: Print Catchup Xtra

Adam Edgar, Corinne Brucks, Lillie, Matthew DeLessio, Sivam Nadarajah

Print: Act 3

Chris Brimmage, Erica Jordan, Galaysia, Gopala Hébert, Hotarujra, Jacey Chase, Jennifer Lafferty, John “AcesofDeath7“ Mullens, John Andrews, Karla Love, Kelly John Cooke, LSHBear, Mark, PunkARTchick “Ruthenia”, Robert Hensley II, Ryan Claytor, Sarah T-rexy, Shadowind, Sunny Side Dice, Teddy Garrett, Two Dimension Podcast, Very Real Peter, Zombie Book Club Podcast

Print: Catchup (1-3)

Don D., Dr Guy Martelle, Joe Gillis, Kyberson, Morgan, P Gile, Sean R., Simon Griffiths, Valerie Guyant, Zee Weasel

Print: Deluxe (1-3+)

Charlie Grayson, Christopher Holden, Darcy, Mathew

TarMucks Trove

Cheeser, Chris Roeszler, eric priehs, Gillian Ivy Art, NoraLittleBird

Mr. Guy Act 2 – Kickstarter Credits:

No Reward

Wolfe, Pink, Kevin Joseph

Act 2 – Digital

Dead Fish Books, Deborah A. Flores, Krinsky, Chris Lackie, Craig Hackl, John O’Hare, Clay Adams, John MacLeod, IMPtoons, Owl, Gary Phillips, Brandon Eaker

Acts 1 & 2 – Digital

Travis Gibb, Samantha Branch – Will Not Bow Comics, Sarah Swanson, Robert A Multari, GreenShirt52, Alyson Zamarron, Susan Wilson, Peter Taylor, Eric K, Theravenking, Will Allred, Nytefyre, T.J. Wiley, Matthias, Josh Figueroa, Dr. T Dackel, Jonathan Wagner, Adrian M, Sonse Cahun, Nathaniel Adams, Steven Prince, Jasmine Wittig, Allen Alberti, Brandon Hall, JuanR, Travis Zheetpants, Jon Chua, Sherrie the fruitbat, JustNikki626

Act 2 – Print & Digital

The Abstractest Abstracto, Allen Dunford, LSHBear, Chris Brimmage, Shadowind, Muggins McGarski, Viet Huynh, Matt Northrup, Mike Connell, Gopala Hébert, the other Gop, WkdWest, Ben Lacy, Malcolm & Parker Curtis, Tyler James, James Johnson

Acts 1 & 2 – Print & Digital

John “AcesofDeath7“ Mullens, Sunny Side Dice, Sandra Johnson, Brock Sampson, David Swisher, Scott Pezza, Karla and Jared Love, Two Dimension Podcast, Kelly John C, Teddy Garrett, Ryan Claytor, Jacey Chase, Shawn McCauley, Whitney Cook, CreativeJenni, Dwapook, Darren Lee, 7, Az and O, life long fans, Hota, Brian Mattucci, Kitty Powell, James Quillen

Mr. Guy’s Pockets

Galaysia, SElizabethArt, John Andrews

Spooky’s Secret Stash


Big D’s Gadunkatrunk

Bree, Ruthenia, “the punkchick“

And the Kitchen Sink

JM Balbuena

Mr. Guy Act 1 – Kickstarter Credits:

No Reward

Angela Rozhon, Angie Rowntree, Bernard Walker, Bill Drew, Carolyn Covelli, Charley Macorn, Claudia, DeusNova42, Elena, Chris & Rio, Jack Drew, Kelley-Jean Griswold, Nora Lee Drew, The Creative Fund, Tim Miller, voopytimes


Arthur Castro, Brandon Eaker, CJ, Cerise Cauthron, cfp33pfc, Chris Lackie, Craig Hackl, Dan Kawecki, Edward William Jackson, F.J. Dib, Gary Phillips, Gillian Ivy, Jay Lofstead, Jonathan Mendonca, Justin Nafziger, Kal Clintberg, maileguy, Marco Moll, Matthias Lamm, Mike Chase, Prometheus, Robert Scott Clark, Robin, rosetta mcbride, Mr. Abstracto, Tina, Walter Ostlie, Wayne’s Comics Podcast (Wayne Hall)


AJ Mesiti, Alex & Anthony Wynter, Caleb Palmquist, Charles Greenthorn, Dave Goldberg, Elfego Baca, Erlinda Sustaita, GMark C, Gopala Hébert, Jana, John Crowther, John MacLeod, Laura Covelli, Muggins McGarskie, Monica Barner, Patrick McEvoy, Pink Pitcher, Pren, rename, Shadowind, ShunnedOwl, Spyro, Sylvia Johnson, Wicked West


Adrian King & Eileen Melendez, Alex Henri, Beth Johnson, buttonmashvixen, Cascadia Studio, Funny Figs, Joey Galvez, Kieran Hingston, Lawrence Bell, Mark Rhoades, Michael Nash, Michelle Couture, Neil Allen Moherman, No, Parker & Malcolm Curtis, Sarah T-rexy


Annie and George, Crystal, Flokee13, Jacob, Sandra, and Florence Couture, Laurie Daniels, Nicole Tropicana, Samson Johnson, Stephanie Mesiti


Corey Johnson, Jacey Chase, Leighann “ldbean” Baxa, Myron Fox, None Please, PhyrexiaHive, Sandra Lourenco Johnson, Sophia Murphy